"Truth and reason"

Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the PCP Secretariat of the CC

The European Union - on the approaching of the European Parliament elections’ date in Portugal, the 25th May, has performed and monitored growing new contours of the already huge persevering mystification and lie campaign carried out by the forces and interests, along the European capitalist integration process, along two decades.

For the right-wing and social-democracy (“socialists”) forces, anything goes in order to hinder its (co) responsibility for the policies carried out and intensified by the European Union and within each country, during these last years, always decided according to the great economic and financial groups’ interests.

As usual, on the approaching of any new election, they try to hinder both the real objectives and the unacceptable consequences of its policy, beckoning that what has been carried out will be different in the future, currently, but in reality, will keep on in the future.

Therefore, during the next elections one ought to recall that in Portugal, the PS, PSD and CDS together with the European Union and the IMF are responsible for an “ agreement memorandum” - regarding a policy, an aggression pact - used for, the last three years, to carry out a colossal wealth concentration, at the cost of salaries, pensions, labour and social rights plundering ( called “austerity”), in the interest of the great national and international economic and financial groups. A policy holding deep and dramatic consequences for the huge majority of the Portuguese workers and people, increasing unemployment, impoverishment, emigration and economic dependence, worsening the whole country’s problems.

The PSD and CDS, with the PS’s connivance, play games with words, referring the “ end of external interference” and the “Troika’s release”, at the same time they hinder their subservient agreement to new and more serious compromises, which condition our national sovereignty - as the so-called Budget Treaty - which gives the European Union permanent tutelage, directed by its powers’ directorate, headed by Germany ( its great economic and financial groups).

One ought to recall the Budget Treaty, among other unacceptable aspects, demands the register of the budget deficit and the public debt limits, established by the European Union - in the Republic Constitution or in an similar law and, in the case of non- accomplishment, the automatic imposition of “ correction mechanisms” - in other words, of “structural reforms programmes” ( labour laws, salaries, retirement pensions, public services, social security, privatizations,…) directed by the European Union -, together with financial sanctions. Within this framework, the announced so-called “cautionary programme” is also included.

The proclaimed “clean exit” (for the great capital) is no more than the continuity of the very same policy through other instruments. A policy the PSD and CDS wish to perpetuate by stating, together with the accomplice PS’s silence, that there shall be no return unto “ the illusion wealth standards” of “ before the crisis”, in other words, the desire of wealth concentration in some, as well as exploitation intensification, impoverishment and the disrespect for the most elementary rights of the great majority from which it nurtures, is to be carried on.

Once again, one is confronted with an hard battle against mystification and lies.
One is aware, and reality proves it, that one held and holds the truth and reason on our side and that, with confidence, one is the carrier of a patriotic and left-wing alternative, which will open up the path unto a better future.

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