Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department
The international situation evolution, which carries on to be marked by the capitalism structural crisis, places in evidence the real objectives of the so-called “ Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership Agreement” – also known as the Transatlantic Treaty – TTIP – that the USA and the European Union continue to secretly negotiate, that is, on the peoples’ back.
Similarly to the denominated “ Trans-Pacific Partnership “ (TPP), the USA currently negotiate with some of the Pacific region countries ( excepting China), the TTIP is a United States reaction to the deep crisis that exploded about seven years ago and that has not, for yet, been able to overcome, together with the deep and complex process of force rearrangement at world level, which challenge the economic supremacy and its hegemonic domain pretensions.
Created within the imperialist social dialogue framework, among the USA and the EU great powers ( namely Germany) and the attempt of the USA to involve the EU in its strategy ( therefore, defined with adequacy, as the “ economic NATO”), the TTIP inscribes itself in the ambitious creation of a so-called “ global governance”, in other words, a world order ( judicial and institutional) dominated by the USA (and the EU), determined by their great transnational interests and that ought to rule on the constitutional principles and laws, together with other countries laws. The capitalist accumulation policy, intensifying exploitation and impoverishment, is side -by-side with the attack towards states sovereignty unto democracy.
If dialogue prevails over the contradictions and divergences, the TTIP ought to become another instrument through which the USA and the EU great powers will strive to impose their economic domain and, consequently the political, over the remaining countries that subscribed ( and the confrontation with those that will not). If there are any doubts about the latter, it is enough to remind the European Union and the domain and dependence relations it generates, so exposed round Greece.
As the Maastricht unto Lisbon Treaties, as the Economic and Monetary Union (the Euro), as well as the Budget Treaty and the whole EU supranational policies and rules, the TTIP is ought to represent added and unacceptable conditionals and constraints to countries social progress , economic development, sovereignty and national independence, as regarding Portugal – in other words, an increased dependence and submission to the great transnational capital dictates, the USA and the EU great powers.
Nevertheless, and as the PCP has underlined, there were previous attempts of the imposing of serious agreements and treaties, which were defeated in result of the denouncing of their objectives, large popular demonstrations and dignified positions of states, in the defence of their sovereignty and their future, as it happened with the failure of the “Investments Multilateral Agreement”, known as the “ IMA” – the TTIP currently tries to recuperate under unacceptable aspects – or, the rejection of the “ Americas Free Trade Area”, the “ALCA” denomination, the USA wanted to impose throughout the American continent.
The denouncing of TTIP’s real objectives, of its serious consequences for workers and peoples, namely , for the Portuguese workers and people, together with the responsibilities and heavy PS, PSD and CDS compromises before this new treaty, are of the greatest importance- so great, when the taking place of the legislative elections is approaching, with the conscience that the greatest contribution for the TTIP’s defeat, is the CDU reinforcement, in the coming October 4th.