Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department
During the Euro Summit, in July 12th last, the submission of the people of Greece and their country plunder was demanded as a condition to proceed with a new “memorandum” negotiation which, to be achieved, ought to necessarily be in partnership with the IMF.
Therefore, and among other measures, the European Union demanded Greece to increase the VAT, cuttings in pensions and the introduction of “almost automatically cuttings in expenses” in the case of “deviations” of the primary balance ( on what regards public expenditure) , together with “previous approval” of the EU[the plunder carries on].
The EU also demands “ambitious reforms on pensions”, jeopardizing the pension public system; the “ electricity transport network operator privatization”, or the implementation of an equivalent measure, that ought to conduct unto the great capital control of this strategic sector; the proceeding of the “re-examination” and “modernization” of the collective negotiations, the labour action, collective redundancies, in other words, concerning the labour and trade-union rights’ attack; or the greater reduction of “the Greek administration costs”, jeopardizing ( even more) essential public services and the state’s social functions – insisting that these measures { this plunder}ought to be always decided and implemented “according and in agreement with the institutions”, that is, under the EU command.
And yet, the EU imposes the achievement of “ a privatizations programme highly reinforced”, in the prospect of a 50 thousand million income. In order to administrate the Greek people’s plunder process , an “independent fund” is to be created, managed by the Greek authorities, under the EU supervision, which ought to, inclusively, come to an agreement on “the actives sale price/value.” The colossal alienation of Greek companies and public goods is to be one of the “ sources” for the new loan / bailout payment and the banks recapitalization [the plunder carries on].
Also imposed to the Greek government, that the latter consult the EU and “timely agree to all the legislative projects in relevant domains before submitting them to a public referendum or presenting them to parliament “ {a real tutelage of a neo-colonial nature”}.
And that nothing is forgotten, the EU imposes, once again, that the Greek government re-examines,” considering its alteration, the introduced legislation [upon the January 25th elections] contrary to the February 20th agreement” [together with the EU], “ aligning up by the latter programme compromises [imposed by the EU and IMF], or identifying “ equivalent clear compensations for the acquired rights which were subsequently created” [that is, the Greek government ought to revoke all measures which ensure the workers’ rights and the people of Greece, the EU disagrees, as it is said, with the exception of the humanitarian crisis bill].
‘These and others measures are imposed as a counterpart for a new loan, which is to be used to pay previous ones and re-capitalize the Greek banks, in 10 to 25 thousand million euro, as it is said. A so-called “disposition” to “ consider, if necessary, possible additional measures”, concerning the colossal and non-payable Greece’s debt, eventually with the “ spreading of the grace period and the paying terms”, but excluding “debt nominal cuttings”. Nevertheless, this “disposition” is conditioned by “the integral / whole application of measures to be agreed in an eventual new programme [“ memorandum”], and will be taken into consideration upon the first positive conclusion” of its evaluation[the use of the debt as a political and plunder instrument are to be carried on].
The Euro Summit ‘s decisions speak for themselves. They clearly prove the class nature , objectives and policies regarding the EU and the Euro, always at the great capital and powers service. Decisions which must be condemned, denounced and rejected, and therefore, well known/ well examined.