"Terrorism by assignment"

Article by Rui Paz, collaborator of the International Department

By coincidence, in the moment the USA and its NATO allies prepare a conference in order to proceed with the so-called war against terrorism in Afghanistan, a Nigerian, well acquainted with the CIA and the North-American embassy in Yemen, set panic within the western world, on Christmas Day. In all this story, one has the feeling of going through an old and well-known film. As usual, the intelligence also was informed of the bomber agent’s existence and plan through the USA’s embassy in Yemen. His identity and curriculum were immediately divulged. A solitary man, coming from the Yemen desert and caverns, ends up overthrowing the greatest world power’s sophisticated technology and mocking the world’s most powerful intelligence.

When it comes to obtain arguments to attack this or that sovereign country, the CIA and the Pentagon are aware of everything.. But in the “appropriate” moments they always fail all the security measures. Understanding the assignment’s importance, Hillary Clinton, the North-American Secretary of State, considered Yemen’s “instability” a “ regional and even world” threat, whilst Gordon Brown, the British prime-minister, called upon, a meeting on the “ fight against terrorism”, precisely on the January, when the USA and NATO will decide the aggression intensification against Afghanistan, within the Yemen. The calendar is too perfect to all be genuine.

It´s more and more clear why Obama and the oligarchy sectors which support him, insist in abiding and reinforcing the so-called “war against terrorism” strategy. Much more comprehensive and dangerous than the “humanitarian war”. In principle, “terrorists” might hide in any country, bellow indefinite and difficult proof threats, but easily presented by the intelligence, the media and the NATO commands, as eminent dangers.

Eugen Drewemann, the German theologist, states, during a peace participation, that “ war against terrorism consolidates terror. Under the coverage of democracy dissemination, dictatorship installs itself. This kind of humanism only generates dehumanism (…). I hear our young soldiers are citizens in uniform. But war changes them into stone-age beings within the atomic era, turns them into monsters, hunting dogs, waiting to be set free” ( Junge Welt, 08.05.07 ).

If Obama’s purpose were to end terrorism, he should begin by explaining the North-American people why the Congress approved 400 million dollars intended for terrorist operations assigning Iran’s dismantlement. He should explain why the Sunnite group “ soldiers of God” ( Dschundallah), which has performed numerous attempts in the Afghanistan’s boarder region, consists of the CIA’s financing list, just as formerly, the Talibans. Benazir Butho, the ex-Pakistan prime-minister, assassinated in December 2007, revealed that the “ idea of the Talibans belonged to the British, the North-American Administration, the Saudi financing and the Pakistani organization ( Le Monde, 2001.10.30).

If Obama wished to genuinely fight terrorism and its causes, he needn’t attack other countries nor massacre more peoples. It would be sufficient to begin investigating his predecessors, CIA and the Pentagon’s activities, within his own home.

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