Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha

"The struggle path"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the International Department

Instability, chaos and war focuses, multiply, throughout the world. This is the tip of the iceberg of the structural crisis of the dominant capitalist system, which deepens. To military aggressions on the field, non-less media manipulation and ideological war destructive campaigns, are added. The multi-dimension wars in progress, are as crude as sophisticated. Media perversion has converted into a central element regarding the attempt of considering as natural, the barbaria and the acceptance of putrefactive tendencies and Fascism directions. Considering different levels, both in Gaza and Palestine, dominated by the Zionist state terrorism monstrous crimes committed by Israel, Iraq “at the hands” of the nebulous Islamic state (the USA and EU, hand in hand, currently have considered as “the great threat”, upon having promoted the latter, together with other terrorist forces, in the aggression war against Syria) and in Ukraine, where the liberal-national-fascist Junta, which took over power in Kiev five months ago, carries out a cruel and dangerous war in the Donbas, atrociously represses the different ideas and prepares the UCP’s illegalization, a situation which stands in great measure, greatly silenced by the powerful media.

Immersed in a intractable debt spiral, incapable of impeding the pace unto a forces restructuring, which is gaining its space throughout the globe, the North-American imperialism stands as a pyromaniac. The hegemony maintenance and the geopolitical agenda imperatives, situated in the antipodes of emancipation and peoples progress desires and perspectives, throughout the world, dictate the appeal in promoting chaos and instability unto the military interventionism escalade and the great capital scorched earth policy. The campaign enragement, with the purpose of isolating and weakening Russia, during the last months, acquires a central importance on what concerns the current conjuncture. Before the enormous parade of sanctions and threats against Moscow, amounting in the East crusade, Washington does not hesitate, namely in pressing the European “partners” for the sake of preserving order amid the trans-Atlantic ranks, affecting powers’ interests, such as Germany and France, and contributing for the crisis deepening in which the EU stands.

The BRICS summit in Brazil, the strategic relations deepening between China and Russia and the announcement disclosed by Russia, Byelorussia and Kazakhstan, of the Euro-Asiatic Economic Union plays its influence on the basic force correlation and ought to make its appearance on the current world hostility map background, monitored by imperialism, with the USA at the top.

One ought to underline among the BRICS outcome summit decisions, in Fortaleza, hosted by president Dilma Roussef ( followed by the BRICS-UNASUR and China –CELAC meetings ) the New Development Bank ( with nothing to do with BES…) and a currency Reserve Fund by the five organization member countries: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. In the closing statement, the claim to accelerate this organization’s quota system reform issued from Bretton Woods, to be undergone by the IMF, which approval is currently blocked amid the North-American Congress. Not being able to be considered as a panacea for the great issues and contradictions confronted in our world, the BRICS unique multilateral cooperation process – which represent over 40% of the world’s population – is, above all, a history courage signal and an open window to sovereignty alternatives and objectives of a new world economic order, just and human. Imperialism, will intent to weaken, absorb and disarticulate the BRICS, and above all, hinder resistance, sovereignty and cooperation among peoples, even at the cost of world peace. One ought to be vigilant. With the conviction that, the workers and peoples transforming struggles and energies will end up by building a new society and international order.

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