"The struggle goes on"

Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsable of the International Department

Once again, the world has its eyes on Venezuela. If there were any doubts about the importance and significance about the Bolivarian Revolution for the Venezuelan people, Latin America and the world revolutionary and progressive forces , the events took place in the last days are enough to dissipate their doubts.

Upon the Comandante Hugo Chávez, president of the Venezuela Bolivarian Republic’s bereavement, the first process of deep social changes having begun this current century, is living one of its most difficult and demanding proofs of its 14 years of existence. The presidential elections outcome, on the 14th April next, will be crucial for the continuity and consolidation of this change process, which repercussions are felt throughout all Latin America.

The Venezuelan people’s huge and impressing homage to their revolution’s first leader, the expression of the level of conscience and firm determination in carrying on and deepening his legacy and ideal - “ We are all Chavez“, represent full trust in the Venezuelan revolutionary forces, the Venezuela United Socialist Party, the Venezuela Communist Party and other progressive forces, united amid the Patriotic Great Polo, that will, successfully, overcome this demanding proof. One is before a situation concerning the workers’ and peoples’ emancipation struggle, in which the masses assume themselves as history subjects and performers, just as in other important moments.

This is a moment in which internationalist accompaniment and solidarity towards the Bolivarian Revolution are most important than ever. Before the imminence of an unfavourable outcome, the reactionary and coup-plotter forces - the very same ones which performed the economic boycott, plotting, violence,constant lies and the appeal to external interference - have begun their new destabilization and incitement manoeuvres. For sure, till the 14th April next, one will be confronted with an active intrigue and misinformation campaign, which will seek to attack the Bolivarian Revolution and mine the leading role forces’ unity.

As before, imperialism will be restless unto the Bolivarian process, and therefore use its multiple faces. “Social-Democracy”, with its swan shrine, swarms round the Bolivarian process, in order to condition it and, if possible to distort it.

Nevertheless, and once again, the Bolivarian Revolution, as in other complex and hard moments, reaffirms the popular forces and revolutionary and patriotic forces, the Bolivarian National Army Forces unity - which ensured the comply and enforce of the Bolivarian Constitution -, in the defence, development and deepening of the change process performed by the Venezuelan people, based on its national sovereignty affirmation and its anti-imperialist character.

Nicolás Maduro, the interim president, a candidate as president of the Venezuela Bolivarian Republic, to whom the Venezuela Communist Party has offered its support, reaffirmed the proceeding of the ample change programme inscribed in the “ Homeland Programme”, the same with which Hugo Chávez presented himself, for the second time, to elections and won, on the 7th October 2012 - a transition programme, proclaiming, as an objective, “ An Independent and Socialist Homeland”.

The same as in other parts of the world, an important battle towards social and national emancipation struggle of workers and peoples, is in progress within Venezuela. The Portuguese communists, as patriots and internationalists, are together with the Bolivarian Revolution.

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