Statement PCP Central Committee

Statement by the Central Committee of the PCP - Meeting of 19th October 2014

Statement by the Central Committee of the PCP - Meeting of 19th October 2014

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on October 19, 2014, analysed the country’s economic, social and political situation, aspects of the international situation, assessed the development of the action with the objective of a rupture with the right-wing policy and the materialisation of a patriotic and left-wing alternative, the intensification of the mass struggle and the strengthening of the Party and defined the guidelines and tasks for its dynamization.

I - To break with the right-wing policy build a political alternative – a national demand and imperative

Faced with an increasingly more unequal, unfairer, more dependent and less sovereign country, it is imperative to break with the policy that dragged it into the present situation. Despite all the propaganda, misleading or promised indicators of economic upturns, what the country sees, as a direct result of 38 years of right-wing policies and 28 of European capitalist integration, is a path that, at the service of the restoration of monopoly groups and strengthening of their power, has led the country into economic decline, an unprecedented social regression since the times of fascism and the alienation of important parcels of national sovereignty. The dimension of the problems demands, not the deepening or continuity of the logic of domination by monopoly capital exposing the Country to a succession of destructive crises, but a rupture with the right-wing policy and the materialisation of a patriotic and left-wing policy committed to the April [Revolution] values.

II - A path of economic and social disaster that is urgent to stop

1. The policy of exploitation and impoverishment that, by invoking the crisis PS, PSD and CDS promoted by means of the Stability and Growth Program (SGP) and the Pact of Aggression, threw the Country into the largest period of economic stagnation and recession in decades, destroyed and denied constitutionally established rights, deprived hundreds of thousands of Portuguese from materialising in their own Country the future they wish to build, jeopardized the productive apparatus, destroyed the national productive capacity in industry, agriculture and fisheries, alienated strategic sectors essential for the development, promoted the reconfiguration of the state at the service of monopoly capital and undermined the regular functioning of the institutions.

Four months after the lie about the "clean exit" and the "end of the Protectorate", the continuity of the policy of the domestic and foreign troika is there to justify further steps in the exploitation, in the theft of wages and pensions, in the attack on the health, education and welfare rights. Invoking a policy of "fiscal restraint" and "deficit control", worsens the already high tax burden on the workers and people, continues public disinvestment, the atrophy of the domestic market and the criminal policy of privatisations, recent examples of which are the transport companies and EGF.

2. The figures revealed regarding the evolution of GDP and the deficit in the first half of the year (respectively 0.9% and 6.5% instead of an announced target of 1.2% and 4% for 2014); the budget execution of the first eight months of the year (which together with the tax burden on the workers and the people and the accounting gimmicks confirm an evolution of the economy unable to meet the needs of the Country); public debt (in fact, growing and above 134% of the GDP if measured by standards prior to the recent change in the calculation method); the evolution of imports and exports (which, contrary to what the Government forecasted, show an increase in imports of goods and services which is more than twice the rate of exports) - not only belie Government propaganda but confirm the path of worsening the economic situation in the Country.

3. The sentencing of more than a quarter of the Portuguese population to poverty and the unsustainable unemployment rate (that although masked with emigration and not counting more than 160 000 "occupied" in traineeships, occupational programs and training, has no counterpart in job creation) aggravated by the fact that more than half of the unemployed are deprived of unemployment benefits or any other welfare, are the most visible and inhuman face of the dramatic social situation. A situation that tends to worsen with further cuts in wages and pensions resumed by the Government, after the declaration of unconstitutionality of what was adopted in the Budget for 2014, aiming to make definitive and permanent what was once touted as exceptional and transitory; the theft of the public holidays; the attack on collective bargaining aiming to ensure to the employers the conditions to take back rights and reduce pay; and the growing underfunding of the National Health Service and of the Public Schools. A situation that the increase of the National Minimum Wage does not deny, because, besides its obvious insufficiency and the compensations given to big business at the expense of social security, is accompanied by the intent to not only contain it in future but to be used in exchange for the rights of the workers.

The chaos that the system of justice has been thrown into with the so-called judicial reform and the new judicial map; the deterioration of the education conditions that marked the beginning of the new academic year, with the situation in the school system, shortage of teaching and non-teaching staff or the clash with the teachers, an expression of which was the placing of the teachers; the unsustainable rendering of health care due to the breakdown of NHS services, shortage of staff and material - are a direct consequence of the policy of cuts in expenses and dilapidations of the functions of the State.

The Central Committee of the PCP also denounces the ongoing action of cutting down public services, the attempt to involve Local Government in what they call "municipalisation" to disrupt and liquidate public services and social functions, new developments in the strategy of privatisation of water supply with the recent merger of the systems in "high", and the creation of the "Municipal Support Fund" which is a new and arbitrary attack on municipal autonomy. Actions that are inseparable from the process of promotion of unemployment, impoverishment of populations, denial of rights and deepening of asymmetries and inequalities that the Government has implemented.

4. The proposed State Budget for 2015 - unlike the propagated view of the government and its enhancement by commentators on duty in the media - confirms the Government’s essential axes of action and of the objectives that together with the SGP, and more markedly with the Pact of Aggression, are being imposed on the country. A Budget that seeks to conceal the deterioration of the debt and the dependence of the country; maintains and confirms the attack on wages and pensions; promotes unemployment and precariousness, particularly in Public Administration; continues financial asphyxiation and dismantling of the social functions of the state (in Health, Education, and Welfare) and public services, jeopardizing constitutional rights; intensifies the attack against Local Government and its autonomy; pursues a fiscal policy based on an unbearable taxation on workers and other non-monopolistic layers together with a scandalous protection of big business, profits and dividends, financial speculation; establishes the criminal policy of alienation of strategic companies and sectors, with the aim of further privatisations.

5. The Central Committee denounced the policy that, at the service of financial capital and economic groups, has led to the increase of injustice and inequalities, ensuring them a continuous accumulation of profits built on the plunder of the income of workers and other anti-monopoly layers and of the national resources.

The case of the BES/Espírito Santo Group (BES/GES) bank, and its developments, originating in the privatisation process, represents yet another part of the more scandalous process aimed at making the people and the Country pay the cost of speculation and mismanagement by the main financial groups with the connivance of governments and alleged regulators. What the PCP had denounced from the outset and the government flatly denied, ended up by being recognized through the voice of the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance - the Portuguese people will be called to pay directly and indirectly the costs of intervention via the "resolution Fund" and that this operation will have consequences on the national economy. What this case proves - in line with what took place with the BPN, BPP, BCP, Banif banks- which is much more than mismanagement or "behavioural deviation" of this or that banker, the roots of these problems are inseparable from the functioning of the capitalist system itself, of the domination by monopoly capital of the financial system, the national economy and life, and the responsibilities of successive governments executors of this policy and the rules imposed by monopoly capital itself after capturing political power. A process that has, once again, proved right PCP’s denunciation of the gigantic operation of centralisation and concentration of the banking sector in the European Union which they call Banking Union and what this means in terms of loss of the few powers of supervision, regulation and intervention of the Banking system still held by the Portuguese State.

The Central Committee of the PCP alerts and denounces what this and other cases show, promiscuity between political power and economic power and the network of interests and dependencies that undermine not just democracy but also the prestige of the institutions, as well as the relative impunity that has surrounded the influence peddling and corruption, stumbling on the refusal of necessary and effective finding of responsibilities, a more recent example of which was the parliamentary inquiry on the purchase of submarines and other military equipment.

6. The recent process surrounding Portugal Telecom (PT) is indicative of a deliberate policy of alienation of strategic companies essential for the implementation of a sovereign and independent development. A company portrayed as an example of national affirmation in the telecommunications sector, PT – by means of the gradual privatisation, its association with Telefónica and business with Vivo, premeditated removal of the control mechanisms that the State had with its "golden- share ", the viability of the merger/acquisition of the Brazilian OI, and more recently, the ruinous investment in Rio Forte, of the GES group - is on its way to be reduced to an appendage of multinational capital’s strategy in telecommunications . A process conducted over the past years by the PS, PSD and CDS-PP governments, inseparable from the privatising fury that has placed in the hands of big business the control of strategic sectors.

7. In view of the deteriorating national situation and the dangers it entails, the PCP reaffirms the importance of the dismissal of the government and of the rupture with the right-wing policy that worsens exploitation, promotes impoverishment and sinks the country.

III - Defeat the government, make a break with the right-wing policy a patriotic and left-wing policy at the service of the people and the Country

1. Breaking with the right policy and paving the way for an alternative, patriotic and left-wing policy, is a national imperative and a legitimate aspiration and whose materialisation lies in the hands of the workers and the Portuguese people.

2. Faced with this growing aspiration, we have to point out the ongoing manoeuvres and processes to create solutions to ensure the continuation of the right-wing policy, to dull the crucial factors of a rupture with this policy, create factors to disperse and weaken the construction of a real alternative.

The torrent of counter-information launched by the Government regarding aspects of the fiscal policy or the National Minimum Wage to conceal the nature of the policy of exploitation that it aims to continue; the enactment which, under the pretext of an invented election of a "candidate for prime minister," the PS promoted with wide media coverage to seek to deceive its alignment with the right-wing policy and submission to the interests of the European Union, be it with António José Seguro or António Costa; the rearrangements of the party system with the creation of new political forces driven by personal ambitions and projects; the goings-on, based on new or old political expressions, to hand to the PS “a left” touch in a revamped right-wing governance; the reheated appeal for national commitments called by the President of the Republic, on the 5th of October - are examples of realignments that, dictated by the decision-making centres of big business, aim to reduce the margin of the growing demand for an urgent rupture with the right-wing policy and the materialisation of a patriotic and left-wing policy able to ensure the sovereign and independent development of the Country.

No manoeuvres can conceal the need for the rupture and the alternative proposed by the PCP and whose materialisation is inseparable from the development of the mass struggle; the convergence of democrats and patriots and the strengthening of the PCP and its influence.

The Central Committee stresses that, through its intervention, action and course of combating the right-wing policy, in defence of the interests and aspirations of the workers and the people, supporting and encouraging the development of mass struggle, aligning its proposals with the legitimate aspirations of the Portuguese people, in defence of the Constitution of the Republic and of national sovereignty, the PCP assumes before the Portuguese people as an aggregating force of all those who do not accept the path of disaster that is under way, and aspire for a Country where the April values ​​are an integral part of their future.

3. This is the aim and the priority of the PCP, whose projection and expansion now begun under the motto "The strength of the People, for a Portugal with future - a patriotic and left-wing policy" constitutes an important moment of affirmation. A national action that, in the coming months, will project the central axes, objectives and priorities of an alternative, patriotic and left-wing policy.
A national action that affirms with confidence that the sovereignty of decision lies in the people, that with the strength of the people, their struggle and intervention, but also their options and choices, it is possible to break with decades of right-wing policies and pave the way for a policy committed to the values ​​of April.

4. The implementation of a policy alternative to the path of disaster, into which the country has been led over the past 38 years, is a national imperative and a patriotic demand. An alternative that has in the patriotic and left-wing policy that the PCP presents to the country, the essential basis for this materialisation: the promotion and valorisation of domestic production; restoration of public control of strategic sectors and companies, particularly in the financial sector; the valorisation of wages and incomes of the workers and the people; defence of public services and social functions of the State, particularly the right to education, health and social protection; a fiscal policy that alleviates the burden on the income of the workers and small and medium-size companies and heavily taxes the incomes and assets of big business, the profits and financial speculation; the rejection of the submission to the dictates of the Euro and the European Union, handing back to the country its economic, budgetary and monetary sovereignty.

5. Assumes particular acuity, in the context of the affirmation and implementation of an alternative policy, the response to three increasingly recognizable constraints which contributed to the backwardness and deterioration of the national situation, hindered economic and social recovery and cut down the chances of the country’s development. They are: the brutally high levels of public debt and external debt, monetary integration in the Euro and the domination of the banking system by monopoly capital. We have to point out the importance and significance of the Draft Resolution discussed in the Assembly of the Republic aiming at an integrated proposal to rescue the country from dependence and decline, aimed to set out the timetables, conditions and options of national policy with a view to: renegotiate the debt to harmonise it with the right to development; the creation of structures in the organs of sovereignty to study and prepare the country to leave the euro, safeguarding the interests and living conditions of the workers and the people; to take the decisions that are conducive to an effective public control of the financial sector, placing it at the service of the interests of the Country and the Portuguese and not of speculation. The Central Committee of the PCP stresses the importance of the continuation and deepening of political action around these proposals.

6. The Central Committee stresses and also valorises, ​​in the context of the affirmation and materialisation of initiatives to address some of the major national problems, notably the proposals presented in the course of PCP’s parliamentary seminars, particularly in matters of fiscal policy, increase and restoration of wages (including the National Minimum Wage), health and education; the work of the Commission of Inquiry into GES/BES; the proposal to convene an intergovernmental conference for the revocation and immediate suspension of the Budgetary Treaty, as well as the demand for withdrawal from the Banking Union. The Central Committee of the PCP stresses the importance, reinforced by developments arising from the announced buying by Fidelidade of Espírito Santo Saúde (ESS), of the public control of the assets and property of GES, as part of the demand already formulated of transfer to public sphere of the assets of ESS, notably with the reversion to the State of the Loures Hospital private-public partnership (PPP).

IV - Mass struggle: an essential element in defeating right-wing policies

1. The Central Committee salutes the struggles of workers, of communities, and of various sections and strata of society. These struggles are being waged in the midst of a difficult environment, with pressures, demagoguery, and stepped-up efforts to steal even more of our rights. But they are being waged with courage, and decisively contributing to isolate the Cabinet and its policies – with the working class and working people as their most determined and consistent component.

The Central Committee extends a special salute to the workers' struggles in transport, metallurgy, chemicals, textiles, catering, Central and Local Public administration, teachers and educators, nurses and nursing support. These struggles are being waged in workplaces and other areas of work, against exploitation, impoverishment, wage theft, dismissals, deregulation of working hours and casualisation.
These struggles have involved street protests by parents, students, teachers and support staff –with the support of their communities –, as well as court officials, magistrates, lawyers, National Health service workers and users, culture workers, pensioners and farmers.

The Central Committee highlights the importance of the fortnight of struggles organised by the unitary trade-union movement in workplaces, for higher salaries, less working hours, collective bargaining rights and labour rights.

2. The Central Committee highlights the importance of the upcoming National Rally of Public Administration workers on 31 October in Lisbon, organised by the Common Front of Public Administration Unions; of the National Day of Indignation, Action and Struggle on 13 November, and the National March to defeat the Government and break with right-wing policies to be held from 21 to 25 November, both organised by CGTP-IN [trade-union confederation] as part of a process to broaden and intensify the struggle. The Central Comittee calls upon working people to get involved and participate. We also highlight the workers' and communities' Days of Action, and in particular the Lisbon Underground/Subway workers' strike on 21 October, the struggle against privatisation at EGF, the struggle of Basic and Secondary Education pupils on 23 October, and the Health sector Civil Servants' strike on 24 October.

The Central Committee salutes CGTP-IN – the unitary trade-union movement – for its work and role in organising working people to stand up for their class interests. This salute extends to Workers' Committees, who have held a National Meeting of Workers' Committees on 10 October last in Vila Nova de Famalicão.

The Central Committee highlights the participation of, and role played by, the mass organisations and movements. We salute the Congress of the Democratic Women's Movement on 25 October, as well as the National Agriculture Confederation's upcoming Congress to be held on 23 November.

The PCP Central Committee calls for unity and convergence in the struggles of workers and of various anti-monopolist strata and sections of society who – with their own specific goals and demands – are all key participants in the struggle to dismiss the Government, for an early general parliamentary election and, above all, to defeat right-wing policies and implement a patriotic and left-wing alternative.

V - The situation in The European Union, imperialism's offensive, peoples' struggles and anti-imperialist solidarity

1. The PCP Central Committee rejects all the manoeuvering around the so-called “new cycle” in the European Union. The EU is just getting ready to continue and further its march on the path of neo-liberalism, federalism and militarism under the rule of the big powers and big capital.

Appointing Carlos Moedas – one of the implementors of the Aggression Pact against Portugal, its workers and its people [the “agreement” with the “troika”] – as prospective EU commissioner is merely one more revealing example of the PSD/CDS cabinet’s policies of national capitulation and of its connivance and submissiveness toward anything the European Union and its monopoly conglomerates dictate.

2. The PCP Central Committee draws attention to the ruinous consequences of the “Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership” (TTIP) that is being negotiated behind peoples' backs by the European Union and the USA. Were it to be ratified, it would entail a fresh development in the ongoing offensive against labour and social rights, against the environment, public services and national sovereignty and independence.

3. Developments in the international situation continue to be marked by capitalism's deepening structural crisis – that exacerbates its explotative, oppressive, aggressive and predatory nature. But at the same time a complex realignment of forces has been unfolding, and in spite of the fact that it has its contradictions, it has constituted a hindrance to the establishment of a “new world order” hegemonised by US imperialism.

Six years after the crisis burst in the USA, the economic and social situation in the USA, the EU and Japan continues to be characterised by feeble growth or stagnation – with threats of recession and the risk of new bursts of crisis – in the midst of intensified exploitation, spreading unemployment and casual labour, heightened social inequality, plunder of resources, and ever greater concentration and centralisation of capital and wealth.

4. Imperialism, led by US imperialism, is reinforcing its political-military alliances – as was clearly seen in the recent NATO summit held in the United Kingdom – while also helping the proliferation of tensions, stepping up its interference, making use of xenophobic and fascist groups and their terrorist work, while fostering aggression and a permanent state of war against those who resist or that it views as hindrances to the imposition or defense of their world supremacy.

In this context, the situations in the Ukraine and the Middle East are particularly serious. In the Ukraine there is a continuing wave of repression undertaken by the Kiev authorities – with USA, EU and NATO support – against the Ukrainian population that is rejecting and resisting the oligarchy's and fascist groups' coup-based power. In the Middle East, and in the wake of Israel's criminal aggression against the Gaza Strip's Palestinian population, the USA are leading a new escalation of war in Iraq and Syria that – under the excuse of fighting against the so-called “Islamic State” group – bears new tragic dangers for this region's peoples.

The PCP Central Committee denounces imperialist interference in Latin America and the Caribbean. It highlights the progressive forces’ victories in the recent election in Bolivia, while calling attention to the importance of Brazil’s presidential election in Brazil – where big capital and imperialism are hell-bent defeating the forces that have been leading a process that began in 2003 and has been converging with other sovereignty-asserting, progressive and revolutionary processes underway in the region.

5. The PCP Central Committee highly values workers' and peoples' struggles against exploitation and oppression and to uphold national independence and sovereignty. These struggles have been and are being waged in the midst of very complex and diverse situations, seeking diverse immediate goals.

The existing situation brings to the fore the need to step up and develop the struggle, and to work toward the convergence of the broadest possible range of social and political forces capable of coming together in action against imperialism, against war, against the threat of fascism, and for peace – as a broad anti-imperialist front.

The PCP Central Committee highlights the importance of the movement for peace and anti-imperialist solidarity, and we salute the upcoming Portuguese Council for Peace and Cooperation's Assembly and Concert for Peace on 22 November.

The current situation is highlighting the need to strengthen the international communist and revolutionary movement, to strengthen communist parties and other revolutionary forces, as well as the efforts toward their cooperation, among which ranks the 16th International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties to be held on 13-15 November in Ecuador.

The PCP is engaged in developing internationalist work. As part of its sustained work, we highlight the International Seminar on “The Portuguese Revolution and the Situation in Europe and the World 40 Years Later” held on 5 September in Almada, and attended by 42 communist parties and progressive forces from 34 countries.

VI - Strengthening the Party, more political initiative, more influence

1. In the current situation – where there is a need to break with right-wing policies and implement a patriotic and left-wing alternative, and where the centres of big capital are manoeuvering to continue with policies that serve their own interests, to the detriment of Portugal, its people and its workers – the PCP's work has become even more important and urgent, in its role as a unifier and energiser, and it is important to strengthen it.

2. The Party's work has been having a major effect, and it has been doing its job while having to overcome difficulties and obstacles. The current situation clearly shows the need for coordinated work, including: fostering the mass struggle's development; strengthening the unitary mass organisations and movements, and in particular the unitary trade-union movement; intensifying our political work and initiative, broadening our political unity-seeking work, and strengthening the Party.

The Central Committee acknowledges the work undertaken, particularly the work that addresses workers and communities, and the work in the institutions, as well as the 25 April [1974 revolution]'s 40th anniversary commemoration – in particular the launching of Volume 5 of Alvaro Cunhal's Selected Works and the series of debates on “The April [revolution's] values in Portugal's future” which is due to finalise on 4 November with a public meeting on “Working people's rights and social progress.”

3. We highlight the activation of the “Dialogue and action toward a patriotic and left-wing alternative” process that, through various meetings and other gatherings, is continuing and broadening our debate with democrats and patriots, with persons with no party affiliation. We also highlight the meetings and events being jointly held with various social and political circles and forces, to assess the situation and put forward the PCP's position.

The Central Committee stresses the need to continue along these lines of work, additionally now in connection with the nation-wide “The people's might – for Portugal with a future, with patriotic and left-wing policies” initiative. This is a six-week long initiative launched in late September and due to run until 13 December. It involves one topic per week, corresponding to key aspects of making a break and advancing alternatives.

As part of this initiative, there will be a nation-wide awareness-raising campaign from 29 October to 26 November, contacting workers and communities to provide information and to raise awareness and mobilisation.

4. One priority task is the “More organisation, more participation, more influence – A stronger PCP” party-building drive, in pursuance of the 19th Congress resolutions.

In this context, the Central Committee stresses the prime importance of this work of contacting Party members, to hand over the new card, update their data and enhance their participation – through this action we are building structure and giving thrust to Party-strengthening work. While this work has been positive in many Party organisations, and some have already attained, or are very close to attaining, their targets, there are others that are lagging significantly. It is necessary to take the necessary measures to help them along in their work, as this has a positive impact on Party-strengthening.

The Central Committee reiterates the five main directions for Party-strengthening work: improve leadership capabilities, enhance militancy, assign more responsibilities to members; foster recruitment of new members by advancing the on-going recruitment drive and the integration of new members; give more clout to mass struggles and to political participation, better structure the organisation and its work, prioritising Party-building and improving Party work among the working class and working people, both in workplaces and in other areas of work; enhance the Party's capabilities and participation in the media, information and propaganda; and protect and strengthen the Party's financial independence.

5. The 38th “Avante!” Festival was a major success. It was a display of strength and confidence, and an important expression of the PCP's projects and ideals on this 40th anniversary year of the April revolution. The “Avante!” Festival once again stood out as Portugal's largest political-cultural event, and its international impact was significant, with about 50 foreign delegations present.

The Central Committee salutes the engagement, dedication and militancy of all the Party and JCP [youth] organisations and members who worked to prepare, build, and run the Festival, They have clearly displayed the communists' and their Party's ability to get things done.

The Central Committee has decided that the 39th “Avante!” Festival will be held on 4, 5 and 6 September 2015.

6. The Central Committee highlights the PCP's purchase of Quinta do Cabo [Cabo Estate], next to Quinta da Atalaia [Atalaia Estate, where the Festival is currently held], which will make it possible to expand the “Avante!” Festival, to have a larger and better Festival. We value the major positive impact and reception that this announcement has elicited.
The purchase of Quinta do Cabo was a great aspiration. It makes it possible to enhance the Festival, find better space allocation solutions, improve its content and improve the available conditions to prepare it, run it, and welcome visitors.

The Central Committee calls upon PCP and JCP members and organisations to – in parallel with preparations for the 2015 Festival – organise wide-ranging consideration, debate and gathering of suggestions and contributions on how to improve and enrich the “Avante!” Festival making use of the new grounds – in view of the 40th anniversary Festival in 2016, and further into the future.

The debate is to be geared toward providing answers to new challenges and requirements, creating better conditions to welcome visitors, continuous innovation, creating new focus points of interest. This requires permanent creativity, thorough study of problems and solutions, careful and early planning of work, and extra involvement by the whole of the organisation, fostering a broad range of contributions.

7. The “Avante!” Festival is a festival of April, of the youth, of working people and of Portugal's people as a whole. Just like the land on which it is held – with its extension and enhancement – it is a collective effort. As happened before with Quinta da Atalaia, the purchase of Quinta do Cabo will also be done with a fund-raising campaign.

The National “More room, more Festival, a Future with April” Fund-Raising Campaign has a demanding goal. Its fulfilment will depend on the involvement and availability of communists, of the Party's and the Festival's friends, and of many other democrats.

The fund-raising campaign requires careful planning from all Party organisations. It requires local imagination, creativity and initiative, but must at this time concentrate on publicising and distributing the participation certificates and the coupons, and on extending the list of contacts so that each one may start making an initial contribution and undertake to make a regular – preferably monthly – contribution that can be maintained all the way to the 40th Festival.

Just like the Atalaia purchase in 1989 – at a particularly demanding and hard time for Portugal's workers and people – the decision to now acquire the Quinta do Cabo shows that the PCP is confident and trusts the Party collective, the Festival's friends and visitors, the workers, the youth, Portugal's people. It is based on the belief that it is possible to resist, confront difficulties, overcome obstacles – that it is possible, with the people's might, to open the road for April values in Portugal's future, for advanced democracy and socialism.

  • PCP
  • Central
  • Álvaro Cunhal
  • European Union
  • Nato
  • Syria
  • Ukraine
  • War