Solidarity of the PCP with the CPUSA, the US workers and people

Solidarity of the PCP with the CPUSA, the US workers and people

In a letter addressed to the Communist Party of the United States of America (CPUSA), the Portuguese Communist Party expressed its condemnation for the «criminal acts such as the murder of George Floyd» and expressed its «vehement repudiation of the violent repression and attempted criminalization of all those who, with major popular mobilizations, fight against injustice in the USA».

In its message, the PCP states that it has followed with concern the evolution of the situation in the USA, «impacted by the Covid-19 epidemic outbreak and by the Trump Administration’s inadequate measures which have worsened the social and economic consequences of that outbreak. This situation has exposed capitalism’s nature and the social scourges for which it is responsible, including the enormous inequality and injustice which characterize the USA’s social situation – with the lack of medical care and poverty – which are the result of the policies of successive US Administrations».

The PCP also expressed its concern with the «brutal class offensive which, under the pretext of the epidemic, has been unleashed against the US workers, namely with the loss of tens of millions of jobs in a few weeks, at the same time that big finance capital is rewarded with billions of dollars in publicly funded assistance».

The PCP expressed to the CPUSA and, through it, to the workers and the people of the USA, its solidarity with their struggle «for social equality and justice, for the right to healthcare, for the right to jobs with rights, for the right to social security, against racism and the policies of exploitation and aggression of the Trump Administration».

  • Peace and Solidarity