PCP denounces the campaign of interference against Venezuela and its people and demands the end to all foreign actions that, blatantly against the UN Charter and international law, attack the rights of the Venezuelan people and the independence and sovereignty of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, entailing a serious threat to peace in this country and the region.
PCP reiterates its most firm condemnation of the unacceptable acts and maneuvers aimed at destabilizing the Venezuelan economy and society, and calls attention to the intensification of the US economic and financial blockade and the EU sanctions against Venezuela, and to the particular gravity of the renewed threats of foreign military intervention and appeals to a military coup in Venezuela by the US Secretary of State, Rex Tillerson.
Likewise, PCP reject the attempts of the US, EU and countries of the so-called Lima Group to question the legitimacy of the Venezuelan Presidential election of April 22nd, 2018, called for by the Electoral National Council of Venezuela.
PCP underlines that only an attitude of respect for the right of the Venezuelan people to decide its future, without foreign interference, will contribute to ensure the normalization of the situation and safeguard the interests of the Portuguese community in that country.
PCP reaffirms its solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the struggle of the Venezuelan people in defense of their rights, sovereignty and independence, in the face of increasing destabilizing maneuvers against this country.