Jorge Cadima, Mmber of the PCP International Department
Obama announced airstrikes against Iraq and Syria, about a month ago, allegedly in order to “ attack ISIL targets”, the terrorist movement known as ISIS. The balance is related by P. Cockburn, an Independent journalist (2014.10.14) : “ The Jihadists are about to take over [ the city of] Kobani, in Syria, and western Bagdad is in serious danger”. And he adds: “ During an offensive[…] launched in October 2nd, but silenced throughout the world, ISIS captured almost all towns and villages in the Anbar province, a vast region, situated in western Iraq , covering almost a quarter of the country”. In the neighbour Lebanon, the ISIS Jihadists attacked Baalbek, an important city (in The Independent, 2014.10.14). All, besides the North-American bombings ( with numerous civil casualties) and the return to Iraq of 1600 USA soldiers and Canadian “ dozens of special forces soldiers” ( in Al Jazeera, 2014.10.03). Not surprisingly, “ in Iraq, [there are] deep suspicions that the CIA and the Islamic State are joined “, following a New York Times article ( 2014.09.14).
If there were any doubts about ISIL’s origins, Joseph Biden, the USA vice-president, brought about a major confession whilst making a statement at Harvard University, in October 2nd: “ Our allies in the region, have been our major problem in Syria. The Turks […and] the Saudis, those from the Emirates, and so on […] were decided to throw down Assad[…] by delivering hundreds of million dollars and tons of weapons in the hands of whoever fought Assad – but the people which were being supplied were the [Front] al Nusra and the Al-Qaeda, along with the Jihadist extremists elements, which came from all over the world. Do you think I am exaggerating? Look well. Where did all this end up?[…] the ISIL organization, called Al-Qaeda in Iraq, found space and open territory in Eastern Syria, when expelled from Iraq[…]. And we were not capable of convincing our allies to stop supplying them” (in Washington Post, 2014.10.06). Biden’s confession, considered “outstanding” by the Washington Post, not by its contents, but by “ having been stated in public”, is false innocence. Biden accuses the lackeys. But one ought to have great ingenuity to believe the world greatest power, always ready to punish reluctant countries or leaders in any part of the globe, “ was not able to convince” its allies. Reality – the whole planet knows it well – is that for the last three years, the USA and the European imperialist powers – and not only their allies in the region – are indulged in financing and arming Jihads to throw down Assad. They created the ISIL, just as Bin Laden was created. Currently, they present videos of all the beheaded European citizens. For years all the videos “rebels” themselves placed in the Internet, boasting of beheading soldiers, civilians, Christian priests. And worse of all : the BBC (2013. 07.05) attempted to interview a “rebel”, who placed a video in the internet, and not satisfied in skinning a live Syrian soldier, ate his bowels. And he even found motives to “understand” cannibalism. And, of course, the fault was Assad’s. The suspicion to be before a manoeuvre is entirely legitimate, which far from fighting the ISIL, has the purpose of elevating the imperialist intervention level. The Independent (2014.10.14) unveils the tip of the iceberg (once again pointing out the finger to others): “ Turkey is demanding[…] a buffer zone[…], inside Syria, where Syrian refugees were supposed to live and the anti-Assad rebels were to be trained. Mr.Erdogan demands an aerial interdiction zone, which ought to be directed against the Damascus government, once ISIL has no air force. If to be achieved, this plan ought to signify that Turkey would become part of the Syrian civil war, side-by-side with the rebels. Pretexts vary and become more and more delirious. But imperialism carries on, setting fire throughout the planet, in its anxiety to dominate.