The PCP joins the campaign "The Peoples with Venezuela" and "The Global Day of Action in Solidarity with the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela", on April 19, 2015, reaffirming the solidarity of the Portuguese communists with the Bolivarian Revolution and the demand to end the policy of interference, destabilization and aggression carried out by the USA – and by imperialism in general - against this South American country.
The PCP stresses the importance of the emancipating Venezuelan process and the heritage of the popular achievements of the Bolivarian Revolution which represent a very significant contribution to the change in the correlation of forces favourable to the interests of the peoples and the cause of social progress, which is underway in Latin America and the Caribbean.
In expressing the solidarity of the Portuguese communists with the Bolivarian Revolution and the struggle of the Venezuelan people in defence of their rights and sovereignty, the PCP denounces the ongoing antidemocratic and imperialistic escalade against Venezuela and, in particular, the serious step represented by the Executive order signed by President Obama last month, considering Venezuela as "an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security" of the USA. A measure that considers the progressive and transforming Venezuelan process as one of the main targets of the continuous subversive campaign carried out by the dominating classes and the forces of big financial capital in Latin America and the Caribbean, aimed at reversing the gains achieved by the affirmation of the sovereignty and rights of the peoples. The abrogation of this unacceptable order is a demand, which was affirmed by more than 14 million Venezuelan and Latin American signatures collected in around two weeks.
The PCP expresses its confidence that the resistance and struggle of the Venezuelan revolutionary, democratic and patriotic forces, with the widespread movement of solidarity around the world, will be able to defeat the evil and dangerous aims of the enemies of the Venezuelan people.
Demanding from the Portuguese Government a clear stand of condemnation of the actions of interference and pressure on the people and the legitimately elected Venezuelan institutions, the PCP calls for the solidarity of the workers and the Portuguese people in defence of Bolivarian Venezuela, for freedom and social emancipation and for peace and cooperation among peoples.