Release from the PCP Press Office

PCP congratulates PAIGC on the victory in the legislative elections in Guinea-Bissau

In view of the results of the legislative elections in Guinea-Bissau, the PCP conveyed to the Central Committee of the PAIGC and to Domingos Simões Pereira, President of the PAIGC, a message of congratulations on the victory of the PAIGC, part of the PAI-Terra Ranka Coalition.

In the message sent and signed by the Secretariat of the Central Committee, the PCP considers this to be “a victory that, achieved in a context of discrimination and persecution of the PAIGC and in the year in which the centenary of the birth of Amílcar Cabral is celebrated, is of great political significance.”

When sending the “best greetings from the Portuguese communists,” the PCP's message also underlines “solidarity with the courageous struggle of the PAIGC in favour of the aspirations of freedom, sovereignty and social progress of the people of Guinea-Bissau.”

  • Central
  • Political Statements