"Patrice Lumumba - in memoriam"

Translated "Avante!" Article by Albano Nunes, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee

The world, in 2011, as all points out, will be a year of great popular and anti-imperialist struggles.

Portugal, although in a subordinate and dependent position, belongs within the most developed capitalist centre, where the resistance towards the capital offensive, in order to draw back many decades of historical achievements of the workers’ movement, has had a great dimension and a larger visibility. However, it is necessary to pay attention to the rest of the world, and particularly to the African, Asian and Latin America underdeveloped and neo-colonised countries vast area, from where the media agencies only but broadcast fragmented , confused and manipulated news, which hide the re-colonization in progress ( alias, accelerated by the capitalist crisis and the aggravation of the inter-imperialist contradictions in the markets’ run, low -price raw materials sources and labour ) and try to make belief the European workers’ struggles are isolated and have no possibilities of achieving victory.

Nevertheless, that is not the truth and the PCP, which always through its analysis and amid its international relations always appraised the peoples’struggle for freedom and the colonized and dependent countries’ progressive forces and their necessary alliance with the capitalist countries’workers’ movement, which always struggled against any kind of “eurocentrism” demonstrations, is in a steady position to give this opinion. Those who wish to blind us on the class struggle reality, which runs accross the planet and insist in convincing that the times of the generous liberating projects are over, and that but only bandits, drug-dealers, traffickers,terrorists, corrupts and dictator candidates are in opposition.

That is the image they seek to force upon , namely on Africa, where, competing with their European Union allies, and under the pretexts, which go from drug-trafficking combat unto the “ Chinese danger” modern versions, the North-American imperialism has set off a far reaching operation in order to plunder the black continent natural ressources, dominate the oil arch which binds Sudan and the Guinea Gulf, taking over possession major importance natural ressources for new technologies and the armament industry. And ever since the Africom military command creation unto DEA ( the so-called “ drug-trafficking fight” North-American agency, and which has shed so much blood within Colombia and other Latin America countries) does not spare any means in order to interfere with the African countries’home affairs, support “friendly” corrupt regimes, impose concealed occupation situations.

Just alike the communist movement, it is true the national liberating movement has suffered a huge draw - back with the USSR desintegration, together with socialism defeats, and which has slowed down its recovery. But it is likewise true the national and social liberation struggle carries on, although frequently assuming alienated and concealed shapes covered by ethnic, religious and other arrangements or even others, stimulated by imperialism. In any of the cases, it is important not to loose sight of the historical materialism lessons.

One recalls the 50th anniversary of Patrice Lumumba’s passing, the anti-colonial struggle hero and the independent Congo prime-minister, brutaly assassinated by the CIA, this current January. But the revolutionary , which gave his name to the People’s Friendship University, founded in Moscow, in order to support the fighters for freedom training, all over the world, the reasons for their struggle remain. Lumumba, just alike so many other African revolutioners, did not emerge by chance, but was the result of historical circumstances, impregnated in contradictions, demanding to be overcome. The values and ideals for which he fought haven’t vanished and live within the oppressed peoples’conscience and objectives, which will end up by building the strenght which will lead towards a second liberating wave of enthusiasm, of a national nature, but much more deeply anti-capitalist. And certainly, much more embracing and closely allied with the capitalist countries working class struggle and the working masses.

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