“The path towards peace and its enemies”

“The path towards peace and its enemies”

Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the CC and of the International Department

Those who planned and longed for to set in Syria what had been done in Libya, have been assisting to their criminal intents‘ failure, currently.

Under the cover of a Security Council’s resolution, considered “ historical”, the USA and NATO, with the support of their allies, bombed Libya during seven months, an aggression which represented a brutal violation of the most elementary human rights and of the people of Libya, creating thousands of dead and wounded, the country’s destruction and the head of State’s assassination.

Before the Syrian resistence, facing the interference and external aggression and the position - namely of Russia and China -, of seeking a solution, in the respect of the UN Charter, the USA and its “friends” perform all they can in order to sabotage any initiative that aims to stop the escalade and its consequences unto the people of Syria and the Middle East and to render possible a peaceful and negotiated solution for Syria’s situation.

When the Observer Mission, promoted by the Arab League, highlighted the Syrian armed groups actions, it was immediately boycotted by the Gulf Council countries, which withdrew their observers and posed Syria new and unacceptable demands, torpeding the work plan and the protocol signed between the Arab League and that country’s authorities, imposing an escalade within the conflict and appealing for external military intervention. An aggression which would be whitened by a resolution to be adopted by the UN Security Council, and that, hypocritacly, was presented by Marroco, that not obeying the UN ’s resolutions and the international law, colonizes and oppresses the people of the Western Sahara.

The UN ‘s Security Council instrumentalization attempt was frustrated - through Russia’s and China’s veto - and immediately after they subdued the issue at the General Assembly, which approved a dangerous resolution ( non- entailment) disrespecting the basic principles of the relations among consecrated states within the United Nations Charter. At the same time, and despite the UN, interference was being articulated, mounting up the NATO countries and their allies, on what had been designated “ a group of friends”, in similarity with Libya.

When these new peace initiatives take place, in the sequence of the entailed diligences carried out by Russia and China - Ban Ki-moon , the current UN Secretary - General, totally unable to play the role, given his alignment in the promotion of the international relations interference and militaryzation - , the USA and their “friends” take part in all kinds of actions which, objectively, aim to condicion, mine and lead to the failure of all these efforts.

This is how one ought to understand actions which aim: to impose ultimatums to Syria, amalgamate intentionally the unacceptable “ Arab League plan” and the peace plan’s six points, currently on the table, looking to distort and condition the latter; determinate and impose the so-called “ representatives of all the people of Syria”; openly offer financial, logistical and even military support unto armed groups; solely hold responsible the Syrian authorities, whilst the armed factions remain unpunished and their terrorist action is concealed and incentivated; threat, through the set off of penal actions, alias, as within Libya. Actions, which aim to take up arms and obstruct any negotiable process, concerning the people of Syria’s sovereignty and the territorial independence and integrity of Syria.

The path towards peace within Syria will have to depend and go through its people’s firmness and unity against the external interference and aggression, in respect of the UN Charter - which stipulates the non-interference in foreign matters and the non-threat and the use of force against the territorial integrity or the independence of a State - and together with the conscience of the importance of its safe-guard by the majority of its member-states.

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