Popular Movement for the Liberation of Angola – MPLA,
Workers Party of Belgium, Communist Party of Brazil,
Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia (Czech Republic),
Communist Party of Chile,
Progressive Party of Working People - AKEL (Cyprus),
Communist Party of Colombia,
Patriotic March (Colombia),
Workers Party of the DPR of Korea,
Communist Party of Cuba,
Communist Party of Denmark,
Communist Party of Spain,
Galician Nationalist Bloc,
Party of the Communists of Catalonya,
Communist Party of the USA,
French Communist Party,
Communist Party of Greece,
Peoples Progressive Party of Guyana,
African Party for the Liberation of Guinea and Cape Verde - PAIGC (Guinea-Bissau),
New Communist Party of the Netherlands,
Communist Party of India,
Tudeh Party of Iran,
Workers Party of Ireland,
Party of the Italian Communists,
Japanese Communist Party,
Peoples Revolutionary Party of Laos,
Party of Progress and Socialism (Morroco),
Democratic Socialist Vanguard Party -PADS (Morroco),
Mozambique Liberation Front – FRELIMO,
Sandinist Front (Nicaragua),
Palestinian Peoples Party,
Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine,
Fatah Movement (Palestine),
Portuguese Communist Party,
Communist Party of Britain,
Communist Party of the Russian Federation,
Polisário Front (Western Saara)
Revolutionary Front of Independent East Timor - FRETILIN (East Timor)
Communist Party of Turkey,
Communist Party of Vietnam
Participated in the International Seminar

International Seminar
«The Portuguese Revolution and the Situation in Europe and the World 40 years later»
6 October 2014