"No time to spare"

Translated "Avante!" article by Rui Paz, Collaborator of the PCP International Department

During the last weeks the war tragedy against Syria has aggravated. The alliance among the North-American imperialism, Zionists, Gulf monarchy dictatorships and terrorists mercenary brigades pursue the destruction of both one more state and regime, an active supporter of the Palestinian people’s struggle. Just when this saintly alliance’s sanguinary character is more and more evident, Obama gives permission to publicise the existence of CIA’s secret orders towards its involvement in concealed operations against Syria. Now it is official. The North-American “democracy missionaries” and the Arabic peninsula reactionary tyrants are the organizers of what the media presented as internal opposition acts of resistance towards the Damascus regime, for during more than a year.

Meanwhile, Sunnite families are being attracted by loads of gifts sent by the Emir of Qatar, in order to abandon their homes, where they have lived in peace, and displace themselves towards other regions and camps, in Turkey. The purpose is destabilization. Even so, Obama and Hillary Clinton are raving. During the so-called “ Friends of Syria” conference, which took place in Paris, at the beginning of July, Clinton pronounced threats against Russia and China, in consequence of these two Security Council’s permanent members having refused giving their agreement to another military aggression, in respect for the UN’s Charter and the international law rules. Washington has forgotten about the Resolution against Libya, in which Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron derided, not only Moscow and Beijing, but the whole world, in making believe they wanted to protect civilian populations, having NATO, in the end, assassinated those they proclaimed to protect.

Rainer Rupp, the Atlantic Alliance expert, recalls General Wesley Clark, at the time, NATO’s military forces commandant-in-chief, and later a candidate to the White House, during a statement at the California Commonwealth Club ( 2009.10.03), having revealed president George Bush’s administration (2001-2009) had planned to replace the Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Iran’s regimes (2012.08.03). The objective was not but the USA’s control of a energetic and geographic zone, of the greatest strategic importance, but the proceeding of a penetration plan unto Asia, developed by Zbigniew Brzezinski, Obama’s current advisor, in view of the North-American imperialism world power.
Within this plan, stated back in 1997, in an entitled publication, “ The Great ChessBoars”, Bin Laden, the late Al-Qaida leader, the initiator of the alliance between the Pentagon and the Al-Qaida, and who Obama assassinated, foresees the USA’s control within the Caspian Sea region, the second richest in the world concerning energetic sources, and the Russia’s dismantlement into three republics: “an European Russia, a Siberian Russia and a Far-East Russia”. As demonstrated by the constant incitements against Beijing on Tibet, Washington’s plans to create the chaos within China are similar.

Imperialism is not entirely free handed to consummate all its world oppression plans. There exist sufficient forces to draw up and retreat this sanguinary march. But, there is no time to spare. The time has come for peoples to have conscience and act, before it becomes too late.
Those who were mistaken by Obama’s sermons did not perceive that the current president was elected to white-wash North-American imperialism, totally discredited by George Bush’s mandates, and are in time to understand the United States are searching for a military solution at all cost , for the capitalism crisis. A solution which, if not timely stopped, ought to represent great dangers for Humanity.

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