National Issues

3rd Assembly of the Lisbon Intellectual

Esteemed guests and dear friends Comrades, I would like to begin by greeting you and at the same time stress the importance of your intervention in the strengthening of our Party and the construction of an alternative. Important contributions

International Meeting “The communist parties under the current conditions”

Intervention of the Portuguese Communist Party by Carlos Aboim Inglez 22-24 05 1998 Athens

Rally celebrating the PCP's 77th Anniversary

It is now 150 years since the publication of the Communist Manifesto, the unforgettable work by Marx and Engels that gave a decisive theoretical impulse to a great movement of ideas and struggles guided by the innovating and revolutionary perspective of the overhaul of capitalism.

The 150th Anniversary of the Manifesto of the Communist Party

We gather here, today, at the Vitoria Party Centre, in this act to evoke the Communist Manifesto, in an act to evoke the works of Marx and Engels. It is only a simple initiative, but meaningful to all of us. We do this with our eyes set in the future and in the combats that we have ahead of us, at this turn of the century.

Rally celebrating the PCP's 76th Anniversary

We commemorate today with joy, and in a brotherly and warm atmosphere, the 76th Anniversary of our Party, a few months after our XVth Congress, where we clearly stated our identity, our theoretical foundation, our objectives.

Political Resolution - XV PCP's CONGRESS [Chapter 1 and 4]

I - The International Situation

"For the renewal and strengthening of Party Organisation and work among working people"

This Conference is not a magic wand nor a recipe book, however much the proposals contained in the Resolution may appear to you to be so. There should be no illusions. There should be no expectations other than those that result from a renewed confidence in our Party. In its purpose, in its strength. In the strength and purpose of the workers' struggle.

About PCP

PCP Leadership Central Committee Secretariat Central Political Comittee General Secretary