National Issues

Closing Rally of the 25th "Avante!" Festival

(excerpts) Speaking during the rally of the 25th. "Avante!" Festival, we know perfectly well that even the most inspired words could never fairly express everything about the 25 years of this event and its meaning.

To Strengthen, the Intervention and Organisation among the Working Class and the Workers

I The strengthening of the intervention and organisation of the Party among the working class and the workers in general has been a central issue in all great accomplishments, guidelines and decisions, and reaffirmed in the 16th. Congress.

80th Anniversary of the PCP

(excerpts ) Comrades and friends, As it has and will go on happening in many different places throughout our country, here we are gathering, today in Lisbon to evoke, with repeated emotion and renewed pride, the 80 years of life and struggle of our Party, the Portuguese Communist Party.

About the electoral results for the presidential elections

I would like to begin by greeting all the members and sympathisers who from the very beginning associated with this candidacy and gave themselves to our campaign with enthusiasm or sent us words of incitement during its course. I would also like to greet the youth and, specially the JCP, for the enthusiasm and support given to us.

Political Resolution of the XVI PCP Congress (Excerpts from Chapter I and Chapter IV)

Chapter I  - International Situacion 1. Capitalism 2. The worker's and peoples' struggle 3. The alternative is socialism Chapter IV - The PCP, asserting its identity, increasing its influence

Motion - In defense of Peace

Mankind is facing a gigantic challenge. Under the imperial baton of the US administration, the nuclear and space arms race and the globe's militarisation continue.

Motion - Solidarity with the struggle of the Palestinian People

The 16th Congress of the PCP warmly and fraternally greets the Palestinian people and their prolonged and heroic national liberation struggle, against Israeli occupation and brutal aggression, for their right to a fatherland, to self-determination and to peace. In this long path to freedom, there are countless victims, to whose memory we pay tribute.

Opening speech by Carlos Carvalhas - XVI Congress of the Portuguese Communist Party

Dear Friends and Comrades, Dear foreign and national guests, First of all I wish to thank you for your presence and I specially want to greet all the comrade delegates and, through you, to greet the whole party collective that you represent and the populations of the regions you come from.

On the presidential elections
