National Issues

On Party cadres

Since the XX Congress, our Party has been called to face new and complex challenges, responding to complex and unprecedented demands. We were called to respond to the violent political and ideological offensive resulting from the evolution of the national and international political situation, and worsened, in recent months, by the use that reactionary forces and big capital make of the epidemic outbreak to attack the PCP, rights and freedoms and the democratic regime itself.

Asserting a policy of sovereign development. The Economy’s Strategic Sectors

Comrades, At the core of the project to break with the right-wing policy lies breaking with the interests and the domination of big monopoly capital over the country. As a central axis of the alternative, patriotic and left-wing policy which the PCP proposes, lies the ever more necessary goal of recovering public control of the national economy’s strategic sectors.

Motion «Against imperialism and war, for peace and internationalist solidarity»

Motion approved unanimously by the XXI Congress of the PCP

The anti-imperialist front. The importance of fighting for Peace

Comrades I salute the XXI PCP Congress at this special and truly complex moment for this Country and mankind.

Mandate Verification Committee Report

The Mandate Verification Committee examined the documentation concerning the election of delegates for the 21st Congress. 618 delegates are present, whose mandates are confirmed by the Mandate Verification Committee, as they are in accordance with the rules and Regulations for the debate in PCP and the election of delegates, following the verification of the minutes of the Elective Assemblies and the attending delegates’ credentials.

On the changes to the Thesis/Draft Political Resolutions

The Drafting Committee Report, which has been handed out, contains information on the Thesis/Draft Political resolution changes. The Draft Resolution submitted to the Congress results from an intense process of collective debate since stage one - debating which issues would lead to the draft thesis - to the discussion, during this third stage, which has the Party collective contributing to its construction.

Motion «Freedom and Democracy»

Motion approved unanimously by the XXI Congress of the PCP

The Economy and the Political Solutions


Opening of the XXI Congress of the PCP

First and foremost, I would like to greet the delegates to the XXI Congress who are here representing our entire party collective and wish them well in their work. We are holding our Congress in a very different context from what is usual, as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic.

Persistence and determination to find concrete solutions for the workers and people

The PCP intervened in the debate on this Budget denouncing the profound shortcomings and limitations of the proposal that the Government presented more than a month ago. As we stressed from the beginning, both the Budget Proposal and the Government's options, which lie beyond the Budget, do not respond to the needs of the country. But we have also always said that, given the seriousness of the national situation, we would not give up fighting the battle to the end to find solutions.