National Issues
On the 45th anniversary of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic
2 April 2021
On this April 2nd, we commemorate 45 years since the approval of the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic, one of the most beautiful and progressive constitutional texts in the world. This Fundamental Law resulting from the Revolution of April 25, 1974, embodied the principles and values of the freedom then achieved, corresponding to the deepest desires of the Portuguese people, and enshrined the revolutionary transformations carried out during the revolutionary process.
March 6, 2021. Your Party is 100 years old
30 March 2021
100 years of life and struggle at the service of the people and the homeland.
100 years of struggle, with workers and people, to transform life and build the future.
The PCP and the 25th of April
30 March 2021
This year we celebrate the April Revolution, at a time when we also celebrate the Centenary of our Party and this week, on Friday, 45 years of the adoption of the current Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.
A thousand struggles on the path of April
28 March 2021
Please receive a strong and warm greeting from the leadership of the PCP in this initiative of the Portuguese Communist Youth (JCP).
An embrace to each one of you, who is here, showing that, with all due care, it is possible to carry on our life in safety, extended as well to all Portuguese youth on this National Youth Day.
This is your day. And our, your Party, the Portuguese Communist Party, which has been the Party of the Youth since its founding a hundred years ago, is here to celebrate it with you.
Communiqué of the Central Committee of the PCP of March 21 and 22, 2021
22 March 2021
The Central Committee of the PCP stressed the importance and significance of the celebration of the Party's Centenary, analysed aspects of the development of the international situation, assessed the national situation and the necessary responses, the political framework and the struggle for the political alternative, and outlined the main lines of intervention of the Party, highlighting the response to the national situation, the development of the mass struggle and the strengthening of the Party.
Music, musicians and the epidemic: consequences and solutions
16 March 2021
I would like to start by thanking you for having accepted our invitation to be here at this hearing whose theme “Music, musicians and the epidemic - consequences and solutions”, is part of a broader intervention by the PCP in the culture sector. A hearing that has two main aims: to acquaint you with the assessment that we make of the culture sector in this context of epidemic and our proposals, and to listen to your opinions and suggestions for us to consider them in our intervention.
Combative journey of Portuguese women
13 March 2021
To mark International Women's day, the Women's Democratic Movement held two demonstrations, in the cities of Porto and Lisbon, on March 7 and 13 respectively.
International Women's Day: Equality in work and life, Enforce women's rights
8 March 2021
The PCP salutes the struggle of women on this March 8 for the resolution of their problems, fighting the "straitjacket" of resignation they want to impose on them, defending the raising of their living conditions and the enforcement of their rights.
We mark International Women's Day at a time defined by the worsening of women's living and working conditions, in which certain forces seek to impose “normal” setbacks in their social condition, disguised by the discourse of valuing their role in combating the epidemic.
The struggle for women's rights cannot be restricted to the struggle against prejudice. It is necessary to undermine the economic, social and political foundations that support them
8 March 2021
I would like to greet the comrades and friends present at this PCP’s Session that marks the International Women's Day, as well as the accounts given here, affirming the correctness of the PCP's struggle for equality at work and in life and for the observation of women's rights.
On this 8th of March, the Portuguese Communist Party salutes the Portuguese women, as well as the immigrant women who study and work in our country.
«Celebrating 100 years, here we are and here we remain, ready and determined to continue the struggle at the service of the people and the country»
6 March 2021
«We started all the acts of celebration of the Centenary of the Portuguese Communist Party, singing “The Internationale”, the Party anthem that is a stimulus to our struggle, by singing it in unison affirming our ideal, our dimension as an internationalist Party, which bears as its own the causes of the liberation and emancipation of the workers and peoples from all over the world. A way to express and also convey our sincere thanks to all the communist parties and other progressive forces around the world who sent us messages of their friendship and solidarity, saluting the 100 years of the PCP.»