The largest demonstration in decades

More than 300.000 people demonstrate in Lisbon against the right wing policy

More than 300.000 people demonstrate in Lisbon against the right wing policy

More than 300.000 people occupied the center of Lisbon demonstrating against the policy of national disaster of the Socialist Party (Social Democratic, Government Party) and of the PSD (Right Wing Party). Responding to the call of the CGTP/IN (The Class based Portuguese Confederation of the Portuguese Workers) an immense mass of indignation, protest and struggle, occupied the main avenues and squares in the center of the Portuguese Capital.

This was the biggest demonstration in decades, a clear demonstration of strength, unity and determination of the working class and of all workers, which counted with the solidarity, support and commitment of Portuguese Communist Party.

This remarkable day of struggle reinforced the conviction that, with the struggle, it is possible to defeat the policy which PS, PSD and CDS try to impose against the workers and the people, a policy of national disaster, of abdication of the national interests and of increased exploitation of the Portuguese working people.

Faced with the escalating measures against the rights of the Portuguese workers and people and against the Country and national interests, this historic demonstration was the answer of the Portuguese people to the objectives of the big economical and financial capital and of the parties of the right wing policy (PS/PSD/CDS). It was a clear popular demand of rupture with the right wing policy and for a real change in the national situation.

This demonstration, which will be inscribed in the History of struggle of the Portuguese people as one of the biggest demonstrations of the democratic History of Portugal, was a powerful class and patriotic affirmation, a sign of hope and confidence which will project in the future.
The struggle continues!