
Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department

The country’s President holds meetings “ with about two dozen security officers attending, every Tuesdays“, in order to analyse the target list “to be killed or captured, being the capture option, in great measure, merely theoretical“. “ Every week, more than a hundred members of the national security huge apparatus gather[…] to analyse the suspects’ biographies and advise the President who ought to be the next to die”. “ A suspicion arises”: that the President “might be avoiding the associated complications with the detention, therefore deciding in practical terms, that alive prisoners are “ not to be captured alive. Whilst many suspects have been killed […] only but one has been captured”. The President, “ who feels very good with the use of force”, decided “ to adopt a questionable method of controlling the number of civil redundancies […]. Practically, all men in military age, within the attack limits are considered as soldiers […] unless, posthumously, explicit information might arise, proving they are innocent”. Immediately after “ the first attack under the President’s jurisdiction”, “ not only the aimed target was killed, but together two neighbour families, and leaving behind a fragmentation bomb track, which were to kill more innocents”. This “ barely unclean attack” made “ videos of children and claiming peasants’ corpses appear […] in the You Tube, provoking infuriated reactions”. A reader, victim of the constant disinformation media campaign will think these quotes concern Syria and President Assad. But instead, they concern the USA. President Barack Obama is both the “liberal” and the “social-democrats” system’s sectors’ “hero“. The source is under any suspicion and recent: in a New York Times article, (May 29th last).

The USA, has been systematically using practises as “targeted” assassinations, carried out by drones ( non-driven planes) within Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia. According to the British Bureau of Investigative Journalism, between 2004 and 2012, the USA carried out, only in Pakistan, 327 of this type of coward attacks, during which 3000 people died, being 175 children and between 480 to 830 civilians. Besides the populations and the governments‘ protests, the “ international community” does not condemn - nor the assassinations, nor the sovereignty violation of the countries in question. The regime media, - always ready to cry out for civilians “ killed by the governments”, as a pretext for the wars of aggression - keeps silent when the government in account is an imperialist power and the aggression war is in progress.

Houla, the Syrian village, where the recent massacre was macabre: more than 100 dead, the majority women and children, with cut throats and killed point blank. This is the armed bands’ style, supported by the “ Group of the Friends of Syria”, to which the great imperialist powers, fundamentalist dictatorships (such as Saudi Arabia and the Qatar) belong, as well as Paulo Portas. Al Jazeera (12.04.02) reports that those “Friends” created a fund of “ many millions of dollars to finance the opposition armed members, known as the “Free Syrian Army”, including the payment of their salaries(!). In November last, the Daily Telegraph ( 11.11.25) released that weapons and Libyan soldiers were being sent unto Syria. “ A military commitment is in progress. In a few weeks time one will see it” a “ Libyan source” stated. Even Ban Ki-Moon was obliged to declare (in BBC, 12.05.18) that “ I believe the Al-Qaeda is involved” in the bombing attempts, which shake the major Syrian towns in the last weeks. But only after “ Syria had sent the United Nations, a list of 26 foreign prisoners, considering the majority are presumably Al -Qaeda members”: The official version is that the USA invaded Afghanistan in order to fight Al-Qaeda. But instead, the Al-Qaeda fights within Syria so that the USA carries out its invasion. Is this confusing? Not in the least.

Whoever considers this as a “dictators” or “human rights” problem, must open their eyes. The facts are clear: such as the run towards the Yugoslavia aggression, armed bands , at the imperialism service, commit massacres, which are then considered as pretexts to undergo military aggressions. A decadent imperialism and in deep crisis is opening up a Pandora Box in the Middle East. The consequences ought to be outrageous for all Humanity.

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