"It's dangerous!"

Article by Angelo Alves, member of the Political Committee and of the International Department

Last week-end, two Summits took place, in Latin America, and not one, as informed by the powerful media. The so-called V Americas Summit ( OEA), and the hidden VII Bolivarian Alternative for our America’s Peoples (ALBA), which brought together Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela, Nicaragua, Dominica, Equator , Honduras, Paraguay, San Vicente and the Grenadines, with the presence of the UN General Assembly President, Miguel d’Escotto, a conveniently hidden fact by "our" media.

Why was the ALBA Summit and its purpose hidden? Simply, because it was deeply awkward for the USA and for the Obama’s charm operation, during the OEA Summit’s works. During this Summit, the USA wanted to avoid the serious discussion on the capitalism crisis. The ALBA countries confronted it, with a notable clearness. The USA wanted to carry out an "opening" diplomatic offensive, within Latin America, based on generalist statements and deprived of a real diplomatic initiative – namely, on what concerned Cuba. The ALBA countries, took their positions, precisely, on the real policies level, the demanding of real steps by the USA, the affirming of sovereignty and the rejection of Hillary Clinton’s "democracy lessons".

Nothing better than giving the floor to the leaders: in the ALBA(1) Summit’s Final Document, it is stated that, " the 5th Americas Summit Declaration project is insufficient and unacceptable". Because "it does not answer the global economic crisis issue" – a crisis "which is global, of a structural and systemic nature" (…) "and that it is not about the system’s regulation failure, but a component part of the capitalist system" – and because " Cuba is excluded immorally, not mentioning the existent general consensus within the region, condemning the blockade and the isolation attempts of its people and government". Reasons, by which, an extended number of countries – "Latin America radical left wing leaders "(2), as said, in the wrangler and spiteful language with which a Portuguese daily paper sheers the heads of State – did not sign down the OEA Summit Final Declaration.

During the ALBA Summit – which placed itself in the G20 conclusions antipodes and where " the MIF, World Bank and the OMC ‘s total change, which, together with its neoliberal conditionals, have contributed for the current crisis" – the main capitalist powers’ "flight" from the discussion about the real reasons and solutions for the crisis – closing it up within the international forums, they hold under control –suffered a severe answer, in the UN General Assembly President’s words (3): " The United Nations [ Organization of ] is a dictatorship". "Those who pledge the democracy ditty, as a conditioning for their purposes "are those who "lay down all the possible obstacles to hinder the UN democratizing", concluding his participation with the very important announcement of the taking place of the UN World Conference on the financial crisis, approved, in the General Assembly, by consensus, and under Venezuela’s proposal, on the 7th April.

The ALBA countries also gave their answer on the USA’s manoeuvres – which keeps on the same policy - towards Cuba. As Evo Morales said: "Cuba was expelled from the American States Organization in 1962, by being a Leninist, Marxist, and Communist. I want to tell the OEA members, here present, I declare myself a Marxist, Leninist, Communist, and Socialist. Now, throw me out."

The peoples spoke out, and spoke roughly, during both Summits. Therefore, Obama spoke softly and shook hands. This is the class struggle bursting out, from within the international summits, together with the Latin American peoples, in the offensive. And that, of course, the system’s press could not inform… It’s dangerous!


(2) Diário de Notícias – 09.04.19 – " Evo Morales defies Obama"


(2) Diário de Notícias – 09.04.19 – " Evo Morales defies Obama"


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