Declarações e Comunicados do PCP

Declaração de Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary of the PCP, Lisbon

The PCP and the Dutch “No”

Declaração de Jerónimo de Sousa, General Secretary of the PCP, Lisboa

On the victory of “No” in the French referendum

Nota da Comissão Política do Comité Central do PCP

On the 60th Anniversary of the Victory over Nazi-Fascism

Comunicado do Comité Central do PCP

Statement of the PCP Central Committee of March 18th - 19th, 2005

Comunicado do Comité Central do PCP

Statement of the PCP Central Committee 22th February 2005

Nota do Secretariado do Comité Central do PCP

PCP’s Communiqué on the death of Yasser Arafat

Nota do Secretariado do Comité Central do PCP

The PCP and the Referendum in Venezuela

Nota do Secretariado do Comité Central do PCP

The PCP and the Referendum in Venezuela

Comunicado do Secretariado do Comité Central do PCP

On the assassination of the Hamas leader