Indignation and protest: CGTP carries out biggest mass mobilization since the General Strike

Indignation and protest:  CGTP carries out biggest mass mobilization since the General Strike

Answering the appeal of the CGTP-IN thousands of workers marched for 2 hours and 30 m in the Liberty Avenue, demanding a change of policy, in a huge demonstration whose mobilization was level with the carried out in May of last year that drew over 300,000 people.

Filling completely the surrounding areas a huge mass of workers of the private and public sector, highlighted by a significant presence of thousands of young people, this manifestation was an unmistakable sign to the PS, to the PSD and to the big capital that the workers and the Portuguese people no longer want this policy.

Determination, combativeness, confidence in the organized workers struggle, this demonstration was an important response to the ongoing offensive against the workers’ rights. In the week in that was announced one more PEC which aims to deepen the exploitation to all those who work, at the same time that maintain untouchable the profits and privileges of the capital, the manifestation of the CGTP-IN reaffirmed the demand for another course to the country, ensure employment, value wages, fight the precariousness, defend the national production and the public services.

Present was also a delegation of the PCP and counted wit the participation of Jerónimo de Sousa that reaffirmed the solidarity of the Portuguese communists with the struggle of those who work and reaffirmed the determination of the Party in demanding a rupture and change in the national life that opens the way for another political, patriotic and left path.

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