By Pedro Guerreiro


Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department

The elections which have taken place in Greece have been positively underlined concerning the achieved outcome, and express a clear desire of change by the people of Greece, who reject the current economic and social direction and condemn those responsible: the New Democracy and the PASOK, together with other political forces which, such as the DIMAR, used and supported the EU and the IMF “adjustment programmes”.

The SYRIZA obtained round 36% of the votes that – with the 50 MP’s “bonus”, given to the most voted force – allowed among 300, to win 149 MP’s, having settled an agreement with the Independent Greek (ANEL), in order to guarantee a parliament majority and a government. The Communist Party of Greece obtained 15 votes.

Naturally, the achievement of this desire of change, places the demand of a consequent rupture with the policy that has been imposed upon the people of Greece, and therefore, inevitably, signifies a rupture with the European Union instruments, mechanisms and guidelines, that have defined that same policy and sustain their imposition – alias, as the inadmissible threats to Greece, carried out within the European Union and the Euro framework.

It is expected that the performance of a policy, which ought to effectively respond to the serious economic and social problems , affecting the people of Greece, and defending their interests, will certainly be a path, confronting great challenges and not free from difficulties – however being the unique path in order to achieve the accomplishment of their legitimate desires.

Having sound the alarm, within the European Union (and the Eurogroup ), many are the forces that move, insisting on ignoring the people of Greece will and sovereignty, conspiring in order to ensure the carrying on of an impoverishment and economic and social disaster policy in Greece, and therefore, safeguard the great capital interests and the European Union domain.

One ought to assist and all together, launching, as a menace or falling into the trap, having one and same objective: submit the people of Greece will to their dictates (or retaliate if such is not to happen), as an “example” for other peoples.

Currently, and conscientious of the difficulties, ambiguities and contradictions, all the European Union (and the Eurogroup) efforts seem to be concentrated in the “settling in” of the new Greek government to the “rules”, compromises” and “obligations”, in other words, to the same policies which, within the EU and Euro framework, led Greece unto disaster and a dependency situation, deprived of its budget, monetary and economic sovereignty – even before a situation that ought to perform changes, in order to maintain the essential.
Alias, one must underline that, as reality proves on what regards the European capitalist integration, the economic dependency is hand-in-hand with political dependency. Therefore, to a people be able to freely decide its options, it is a necessary condition to its sovereignty and national independence be respected and guaranteed as well as confront any attempts to limit them – namely the economic component.

Before the situation issued from the Greek elections outcome, important questions, dangers and possibilities are placed before this country’s near future. As before, the people of Greece ought to achieve, through their struggle, the direction that ought to answer to their needs and interests towards the achievement of its legitimate aspirations for better life conditions, dignity and sovereignty, and taking their emancipation in their hands.

Original version in Avante!

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  • Greece