"The Gladio is around"

Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the PCP International Department

In the eighties, Luxembourg, was the stage of around twenty bomb attacks. In that country, and upon almost 30 years, two policemen are being judged for the attempts. But the most burning information is subjected to a hard media censorship, only leaked by Rafael Poch, a journalist, from the Catalan La Vanguardia. In an article, entitled “ NATO stumbles over its terrorist past”, Poch tells that Andreas Kramer, a German historian, declared in court that “ the author of 18 of the 20 bombs was his father, a German intelligence agent (BND), who acted under a NATO secret structure. […]. Thus, the Gladio conspiracy, relatively well-known in countries like Italy and Belgium, currently breaks-out in Luxembourg”. In this story, “the Luxembourg intelligence ex- chief ought to be involved”. According to Kramer, his father also” participated in the major bomb attack in German history in the post-war, on September 26, 1980, during the Oktober Fest, Munich’s beer festival, which resulted in 13 dead and 213 wounded and was incredibly assigned unto a unique neo-Nazi, killed in the explosion”. Kramer declared that ”the attempts were monitored by the “Allied Underground Committee”, under the command of General Leopold Chalupa, a German, […], NATO’s commander-in-chief in Central Europe (CINCENT) between 1983 and 1987”.

Called to testify at the judgement are “ Jean-Claude Juncker, the Luxembourg Prime-Minister, and Jacques Santer, the ex-prime-minister and ex-European Commission President, an ex- minister of Justice and two of the Great- Duke of Luxembourg’s brothers. However, as Rafael Poch writes (in 13.o4.27), two weeks after “ no German judge took an interest in the matter, nor called Kramer to testify. Nobody accused him of lying, nor being an impostor. None of the major media echoed [his words]. Total silence.” And that is how the “fourth power”, within “the global village” stands in “ Western democracies”. Answering to how his father justified the “madness”, Kramer answers: “ It all was about the communists staying out from the way […] Only but right-wing governments were wanted, in order to have a banner against communism […] It was believed communists held too much influence”.
The purpose was “ to install fear and harden home security. And so terrorism had to be performed. And who did it were officers in contact with the USA.”. Andreas van Bulow, a German ex-Chancellor Helmut Schmidt’s friend, himself also interviewed, by the La Vanguardia (in 13.05.05) declared “ when it comes to Gladio, and that is what it is about in this case, just as it were in the RAF’s (the Bader-Meinhof, the German terrorist leader group), the media keep silence, in the name of the reason of State[…]. In the words of a German ex-minister : “in September 11, when critical questions were avoided”!

The confessions on NATO’s terrorism and the imperialist intelligence shed light on the present. A few days ago, two car bomb terrorist attempts, killed many tens of people in Reyhanli, a Turkish town.

Turkey, as a NATO member, is the major terrorist band basis, which have committed identical attempts in many Syrian towns. But the Turkish authorities rush to blame the “Syrian regime” for the latter. Today, prime-minister Erdogan shall be at the White House to claim for a greater USA intervention in the war. And the regime media will never make any reference on Antioquia, the Reyhanli province capital, when days before, was the stage of a demonstration of thousand of people for Peace and against the Turkish involvement in the aggression unto Syria, organized by the Peace movement and having had a great participation of Turkish communists.

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