"Failed coup d'état attempt"

Translated "Avante!" article by Albano Nunes, Member of the PCP Secretariat of the CC

Following a pre-drawn script, the reactionary opposition and imperialism, refused to recognize their defeat upon the presidential elections in Venezuela and thus begun a vast destabilization operation. Fascist bands provoked mortal victims. The worse was expected. But the plotters wrongly evaluated the real force correlation, certainly much more favourable towards the Bolivarian process, expressed at the polls. Before the popular condemnation, the democratic power staunchness and the international isolation, had to withdraw. However, they did not give up their counter-revolutionary purposes.

A revolution is not an act, but a process, and what is on the table is the sharp class struggle, which runs through the Venezuelan revolutionary process, its own destiny, beyond Hugo Chávez passing away, not only about its proceeding, but also its deepening. A deeply original situation in which, as amid any genuine revolution, the masses are the great leaders. Whoever attended Hugo Chávez funeral services, cannot deny his huge prestige, along with the popular determination in defending, proceeding and deepening the Bolivarian process. A process which has been developing in its own conception, both its anti-capitalist dimension and understanding that only but the path unto socialism is possible to achieve its national sovereignty and social progress ideals, and the need of accomplishing a vanguard political force, a revolutionary nature, in order to articulate all the compromised forces with the revolution. Upon its uncontested leader’s passing away, this decisive task acquires a major importance, in the Marxist point of view.

Therefore, it is not surprising , that upon the new Bolivarian victory on April 14th ( 19 out of 20 electoral acts) the reactionary forces and imperialism launched themselves unto an ambitious operation, with the purpose of creating difficulties for the Bolivarian direction process transition and consolidation and provoke hesitations, cleavages, divisions amid the civic-military alliance, which has been the revolutionary process guarantee. Reaction was obliged to withdraw, but will not give up. And if it finds space, will not hesitate, if necessary, in calling upon external intervention and drown the revolution into a bloodshed.

What is in stake , is huge. Beginning by the strength of the example. To socialist Cuba’s inducement, the Bolivarian Venezuela joins, together with the Bolivia, Ecuador and Nicaragua’s progressive regimes united in the ALBA , a most valuable liberation alliance. Throughout all the sub-continent, together with the Venezuelan decisive solidarity contribution, a number of cooperation and integration institutions, of deep anti-imperialist nature, are being built. Whilst in other continents, re-colonization sinister projects, are in progress, At the USA’s “back yard”, the peoples undergo historical steps, towards their own national and social emancipation direction.

Therefore, the North- American imperialism subversive action, as the EU’s, which, dared to question the electoral results. As an example, the Honduras and Paraguay’s coup d’états, the military bases in Colombia, the IV North-American naval squadron reinforcement and many other subversion and aggression measures.

Solidarity with the Bolivarian revolution process ought to carry on. Its safeguard and deepening is of the interest , not only for the people of Venezuela, but for the Latin America and the world-wide peoples.

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