Pergunta Oral de Ilda Figueiredo in European Parliament

EU actions against trafficking and the launch of an anti-trafficking day<br />Pergunta Oral (ao Conselho) de Ilda Figueiredo

The fight against trafficking in human beings is rightly one of the priorities of the EU and a series of actions have been undertaken in order to fight against this scourge. The Council Directive 2004/81/EC on residence permits for victims of trafficking and the Council Framework Decision on combating trafficking in human beings 2002/629/JHA are some of the main instruments, together with the Daphne programme, against trafficking in human beings and organised crime.- The Council Framework Decision on combating trafficking in human beings 2002/629/JHA charges Member States to implement the act before 1.8.2004 and the Council with writing an assessment report on Member States measures before 1.8.2005. Did the Council proceed to such an exercise? - Will the EU take action to assure that the Council of Europe Convention on action against trafficking in Human Beings and the UN Convention on the same issue are ratified by all Member States?- The EP has proposed to establish an anti-trafficking day in its recently adopted report on trafficking in human beings in order to raise awareness on the issue, as well as the creation of free telephone helplines. Would the Council agree on launching these initiatives this year?- The EP also asked for the collection of data on trafficking in human beings and to launch national contact points or to appoint national rapporteurs to gather, exchange, disseminate and process information on trafficking; which initiatives will the Council take in this field?

  • Assuntos e Sectores Sociais
  • Perguntas
  • Parlamento Europeu