"Correa's victory"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP international Department

One ought to highlight Rafael Correa’s popular victory’s dimension and that of the Country Alliance (AP) in Ecuador elections’ outcome, on the 17th February last and its importance for the “ Citizen Revolution” process within the Latin America struggle framework. According to the last data, Correa was re-elected as president with 57% of the votes and the AP achieved a majority of 2/3 in parliament, winning 33 out of 34 districts and 199 out of, 221 municipalities , in the country. A triumph which represents the seventh victory at the polls since Correa took power in 2007, beginning one of the most determined progressive change processes in progress within the American continent. Beyond all doubt, Ecuador is living an important moment in its history. The inversion of direction built along the last six years has not come to an end, but the country was rescued from the neo-liberal long tunnel, where national wealth spoliation ruled, in favour of a Washington subdued minority and the great capital, impoverishment of large social classes , an oppressing corruption, authoritarianism, political instability and great economic groups’ media misinformation action, encysted in power. The coup against national sovereignty was so deep that national currency was affected. Quito abandoned the sucre and adopted the dollar.

Rafael Correa declared before the elections, that“ the greatest change in the Citizen Revolution lies on the political power“ (in Telesur, 13.02.04). The political power which allowed to say No! to the IMF and WB advice and to Washington, Brussels or Madrid’s dictates. The political power which allowed the Ecuador government to take over the control over the Central Bank, in times of world recession , tax the financial capital and renegotiate the external debt, not recognizing its illegitimate part. Which allowed to reinforce the state’s presence amid the strategic economy sectors, impose to new multinational companies new conditions for exploitation contracts and withdraw the USA from the Manta military base. And advance with tangible measures to fight poverty and labour precocity, promoting health, education and social rights. Allowing to reduce the unemployment rate to 4.1%, the lowest in 25 years.

A new political power which gave ground to Ecuador’s sovereign decisison in playing an active part amid cooperation spaces throughout Latin America. Quito joined the ALBA countries’ group - and the sucre, the ALBA compensation currency project, begun in 2010 - being at the forefront of UNASUR and CELAC processes. It is hard to imagine the living change rhythm in Ecuador out from the Latin-American reality , under the impact of progressive and revolutionary processes ( during the very same week Passos and Portas alienate the ANA, and Bolivia nationalizes major airports). Considering imperialism blacklist, till where Ecuador’s Citizen Revolution might reach? Correa says: one might make mistakes during the journey, but never in the path, and the path is the revolution and socialism” (in Cubadebate, 13.02.24). The Ecuadorian communists (PCE) support the process, holding their identity and independence. This is an extraordinary moment of strength accumulation in which the great challenges towards consolidation and deepening of the initiated changes are still ahead. The need for convergence and unity of the most consequent political forces will carry on to be outstanding as a major element of the new Ecuador building, in this current inspiring time for Latin American emancipation forces.

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