Release PCP Central Committee

Communiqué from the Central Committee of the PCP of June 11, 2024

The Central Committee of the PCP, meeting on June 11, 2024, analysed the results of the elections for the European Parliament on June 9 and for the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira on May 26, and evaluated the 50th. anniversary celebrations of the April Revolution and outlined the priority lines of intervention and struggle for the Party.

I. Elections: European Parliament and Legislative Assembly of Madeira

1. The Central Committee of the PCP stresses the importance of the CDU's result in the elections for the European Parliament (EP) - one MP, more than 162 thousand votes and 4.12% -, even if this does not correspond to what is necessary for a greater expression of the defence of the interests of the workers, the people and Portugal.

The election of a CDU MP has a particular significance. A result achieved in the context of an extended anti-communist campaign, encouraging prejudices and depreciating the CDU's candidacy, presented as a force that would not elect anyone. The main centres of disinformation promoted the distortion and manipulation of the CDU's positions regarding the defence of Peace or the consequences of the constraints that submission to the impositions and guidelines of the European Union (EU) place on the Country, instrumentalised the danger of the extreme right, concealing that at the root of their expression are policies and guidelines of the EU itself, and they used the feelings of concern that the escalation of war and the inherent dangers legitimately raise, seeking to take advantage of them for the benefit of those who oppose Peace.

Even though some, who took the CDU's disappearance for granted, now want to present the achievement of a mandate as a defeat, this does not deceive the value of the recognition of so many voters who, in these adverse circumstances, confirmed their confidence in the CDU with their vote.

The intervention of a PCP MP represents the assurance of the continuation of work that has no parallel in any other political force, in defence of the interests of the workers, the people and the Country, and for a Europe of Peace, cooperation and progress.

2. The Central Committee of the PCP values the involvement of the party collective, of the PEV and ID activists and many other democrats without party affiliation in the clarification campaign and mobilisation to vote for the CDU, which made this campaign a current of action and struggle for a better life, a journey of clarification about the nature and objectives of the EU and the alternative path we propose for Portugal, Europe and the world. The work carried out does not erase shortages and weaknesses, in terms of organisation and intervention, which appeared, and which must be overcome.

3. The election results obtained by other political forces essentially portray the confirmation of a large representation that, in the EP, instead of defending Portugal's interests, will be part of the guidelines and policies that aim to subordinate the Country to a capitalist integration in the European Union.

4. Without prejudice to what characterises and explains the election results in each country, in broad terms, the elections for the EP continue to be marked by abstention and, although with more or less significant variations, by the continued influence of political forces – particularly those on the right and of social democracy – which have led the process of European capitalist integration and been responsible for the worsening of the EU's neoliberal, militarist and federalist policies and the exacerbation of its warmongering and reactionary character.

Regardless of other aspects to be highlighted, the results of the EP elections still reflect the promotion by big capital of extreme right-wing forces that has occurred in several countries, of forces that, despite contradictions, are increasingly openly aligned and incorporated into the EU and its policies of intensifying exploitation, attacking rights and freedoms, promoting war, disrespecting sovereignty and democracy, fostering reactionary and anti-democratic conceptions.

5. The PCP will continue to intervene resolutely in defence of the interests of the workers, the people and the Country, of national sovereignty and independence, denouncing and rejecting the policies of an increasingly neoliberal, militaristic and federalist EU, and in conjunction with other communist parties and progressive forces, committed and solidary with the struggle of peoples for a Europe of Peace, of cooperation between sovereign States with equal rights, of social progress.

6. In the elections for the Regional Legislative Assembly of Madeira, the loss of the CDU's parliamentary representation is the factor that will have a significant negative impact on the Region's political life, and in particular for the defence of the interests of the workers and the people.

In addition to the intense promotion of other political forces, starting with the one presented on the basis of regionalist demagoguery, may have weighed heavily, especially factors that diluted what was being decided. The circumstances in which these elections were held, given the specificity of regional elections, which led to the dissolution of the Regional Legislative Assembly and the calling of early elections through the initiative of the President of the Republic, weighed over the assessment of the policy developed and the options for the future, which were used by the PSD to victimise itself.

The majority obtained by the PSD, negative for the rights and interests of the workers and people in the region, does not conceal the electoral loss and lays bare the fragility of institutional support that can only be overcome if it has the support of Chega, JPP or PS to pursue its policy of exploitation and injustice.

II. National situation

1. The popular celebrations of the 50th. anniversary of the April Revolution and the great day of struggle on May Day, Labour Day, which followed them, constitute events of the greatest relevance in national life in recent months.

With a remarkable mass dimension, these celebrations constituted an unequivocal affirmation of Abril's values, their topicality and the need to project them into national life, as well as a powerful demonstration of the attachment of the youth, workers and people to these values, to the achievements of the Revolution and its transformative project. A circumstance that acquires a particular and deeper meaning given the recurring attempts to erase and rewrite the history of the 25th. of April and the founding and genuinely new time that it opened, along with the attempts to whitewash fascism, and to adulterate and diminish the importance of the resistance and the anti-fascist struggle and, particularly, the role of the PCP.

The great May Day journey in all districts and autonomous regions, with more than 30 actions organised by CGTP-IN, constitutes a great demonstration of strength and combativeness, one of the largest in recent years.

Also in this period stand out important struggles, namely the strikes and fighting actions in Public Administration, in the food industry, in nursing, public and private, in call centres, in waste, in the paper industry, in the metallurgical industry, in commerce , in hospitality, in school canteens, in Mercy Institutions, in the mining sector, in OGMA, in TST, in EDP, in APTIV, in Faurécia, in INPLAS, in EMEL, in Olicargo, in EFACEC, in SUCH, in SACOPOR, in JAC Products, at ADP Fertilizers, at CIMPOR, at Lauak, at Diário do Minho or at Printer.

The demand for an increase in wages, the valorisation of pensions, the improvement of living conditions, the dignification of work, the regulation and reduction of working hours, the fight against exploitation and discrimination, was echoed in the claims of workers on May Day and in the ongoing struggles. A demand whose implementation is an indispensable part of the response to the problems facing the Country and an inalienable component of an alternative, patriotic and left-wing policy, capable of breaking with the right-wing policy and promoting the progress and economic and social development that April began, and which decades of counter-revolutionary process have hindered.

2. As the Central Committee of the PCP stressed in its previous meeting, there is a political framework more favourable to the pursuit of the objectives of big capital, national and foreign. Although disguised with a multiplication of announcements and this or that specific measure, even so, essentially aligned with the interests of big capital, the first months of the AD Government (PSD/CDS) make clear the goals of its policy of capitalist accumulation, of deepening the attack on the social functions of the State and public services; increased exploitation, enhancing inequalities in the distribution of national income between labour and capital; confrontation with democratic values and the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic.

Although it is true that the relationship of forces existing at the institutional level is more favourable to the pursuit of the objectives of big capital, it is no less true that it, as well as the forces that assume the defence of its interests, face resistance and opposition from the workers and populations, class-oriented trade union organisations, in the struggle to increase wages and valorise workers' rights and for the repeal of the grievous norms of labour legislation, multiple expressions of social struggle organised on different fronts, particularly regarding the demand for specific rights, and with the action of the PCP. A decisive action not only to prevent setbacks, but to gather strength and achieve progress, which continues to be possible, despite the difficulties that the current situation entails.

The action of the Government and the forces that support it in the Assembly of the Republic confirms the intention of the PSD and CDS to continue and deepen the right-wing policy that is at the root of the problems, injustices and inequalities that mark national life, an objective shared by Chega and by IL.

Announcements abound that try to make people believe that problems are being tackled, in areas ranging from housing to healthcare, education, youth, immigration or infrastructure. However, if anything concrete is associated with these announcements, it is an inescapable option to heighten subordination to the interests of economic power, an intention to transform problems and difficulties into business opportunities, something that will only worsen the problems and further jeopardise constitutionally enshrined rights.

In housing, the announced measures increase real estate speculation, instead of combating it, and further threaten not only the right to housing, but greater territorial disorder.

In healthcare, the presented so-called emergency plan aims to continue degrading the response capacity of the National Health Service, diverting even more resources to feed the interests of private groups in this area.

In education, despite the advances achieved through the persistent struggle of teachers, it should be noted that the restoration of service time proposed by the Government leaves behind more than 25 thousand teachers.

In these and other sectors, such as justice and security forces and services, measures to improve wages and careers are delayed, some of them corresponding to unfulfilled electoral promises. Just as measures to increase wages in general are delayed, insisting on the mystification that it will be through taxation that the problem of low wages will be resolved.

The Government's proposals to amend the IRS income tax would not have a significant effect on improving the living conditions of workers, nor greater fairness in income taxation. They aim, rather, to justify and legitimise regressive measures that will extend to the cut of the IRC corporate tax, and in this way favouring capital to the detriment of labour.

The announcement regarding the construction of the New Lisbon Airport reveals the intention to postpone this construction, pushing it to a time frame that goes beyond what would be strictly necessary, choosing to expand the capacity and traffic of Humberto Delgado Airport, which constitutes an unacceptable concession to the interests of the private concessionaire and an intolerable threat to the health and safety of the population.

The plan announced by the Government for migration not only does not respond to the situation of more than 400 thousand immigrants with applications on hold, but also opens the door to the expansion of irregular situations, which increases exploitation and increases racism and xenophobia.

3. As for the PS, who is now prepared to approve a whole set of measures that it has repeatedly rejected, some just a few months ago, when it was in government and had the conditions to implement them, does not hide its stated availability for agreements with the PSD and its convergence with right-wing parties to reject PCP proposals that would respond to the problems.

Confirming a demagogic and opportunist discourse regarding the problem of corruption, PSD, PS and Chega made it impossible, with their votes in the Assembly of the Republic, to set up a parliamentary commission of inquiry into the privatisation of ANA Aeroportos, which would make it possible to determine political responsibilities for a ruinous deal for the State, in light of the facts contained in the Court of Auditors' audit report.

4. Taking advantage of the opportunity opened during the pandemic, there is a continued and abusive use by several companies of the lay-off procedure, including multinationals such as Autoeuropa, unduly putting Social Security resources to fund private profits. A situation that had the complacency of the previous Government, as well as of the current one.

III. Action, intervention and struggle

1. The Central Committee values the intervention of Party organisations and members, which enabled it to fulfil its role. The intervention in the affirmation of its ideal and project stands out, in the celebrations of the 50th. anniversary of the April Revolution, in the great May Day organised by CGTP-IN, in the struggles of workers and populations, in the fight for Peace and solidarity with the peoples, particularly with the Palestinian people, in the elections for the Legislative Assembly of the Autonomous Region of Madeira and for the European Parliament and in strengthening the Party.

2. The current political framework, with the dominance of big capital and the purpose of its consolidation and the need and possibility of facing and overcoming this situation, places increased demands and highlights the necessary, indispensable and irreplaceable role of the Party. In this context, the following are lines of intervention for the PCP in implementing the guidelines of the National Conference “Taking the initiative, strengthening the Party, responding to new demands”:

– a strong intervention regarding the problems of workers in companies and workplaces, in localities, to improve the living conditions of the population, to increase pensions, in defence of public services, for housing, for the right to mobility, for the environment, against racism and xenophobia;

– the boosting and encouragement of the mass struggle, particularly of the workers, with emphasis on the week of clarification, action and struggle of the CGTP-IN scheduled for June 20 to 27, as well as the defence of public services, namely the National Health Service, Public Schools and the right to housing;

– the development of action to strengthen mass organisations and movements, with emphasis on the unitary organisation of workers;

– the continuation of the celebrations of the 50th. anniversary of the April Revolution and the completion of the commemorations of the centenaries of Amílcar Cabral and Carlos Paredes and the 5th. Centenary of the birth of Luís de Camões;

– the development of action in defence of Peace and solidarity with the Palestinian people and other peoples;

– the development of joint initiatives and actions with other democrats and patriots;

– the initiative in the Assembly of the Republic, giving priority to fighting inequalities and injustices, valorisation of wages and pensions, workers' rights, public services and the social functions of the State, the rights of children, women and immigrants, monitoring the announced structuring investments, combating the liberalisation of the railways, the privatisation of TAP and denouncing the ruinous privatisation of ANA;

– the intervention in the European Parliament, developing the initiative and proposal with a view to: repealing the Stability Pact and the EU's Economic Governance framework, with the rejection of impositions relating to deficit, debt and public expenditure; the defence of public services and national productive sectors; the defence of democracy and national sovereignty and the fight against all decisions that aim to limit them, such as the end of the principle of unanimity; the defence of the urgent immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, humanitarian aid to the Palestinian people and the creation of the State of Palestine, as determined by UN resolutions, the suspension of the EU - Israel Association Agreement; the defence of Peace, the end of the prolongation and worsening of the conflict in Ukraine and the beginning of negotiations with all parties involved, with a view to urgently reaching a political solution to the conflict; the fight to defend Nature, for measures to combat, mitigate and adapt to climate change.

– the preparation of local government elections to be held in 2025, in which the dynamism of the CDU, accountability for the work carried out and the valorisation of its project based on work, honesty and competence, constitute central elements.

– the preparation of the Avante! Festival, which takes place on September 6,7 and 8, promoting its dissemination and the purchase and sale of the EP entry pass;

– the preparation of the XXII Party Congress, convened by the Central Committee of the Party for December 13, 14 and 15, encouraging Party organisations and members to make their contribution on issues they consider important for the preparation of the Congress, in a process in which the involvement of the party collective in a broad, intense and committed way is essential for its success;

– the strengthening the Party, with a strong political and ideological affirmation, associating action focused on the concrete problems of the workers and population with the political alternative and the political and ideological project of the Party. Special attention needs to be paid to: giving responsibilities to cadres, recruiting and integrating new militants, functioning and creating of company and workplace cells, strengthening the intervention of local organisations, working with the youth and support for JCP, strengthening the Party's information, propaganda and press work, financial independence.


The Central Committee of the PCP stresses, in the demanding times we live in, the PCP's unwavering commitment to the workers and the people, the irreplaceable role of the PCP and its determination to continue and intensify the action and struggle, for the defence and valorisation of rights, for a break with right-wing policies and for a patriotic and left-wing alternative, for an advanced democracy, with the values of April in the future of Portugal, with socialism and communism on the horizon.


  • PCP
  • Central