" Chicago Summit : NATO against peace"

Translated "Avante!" by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department

NATO’s deadly bombs carry on falling, continuously, in Afghanistan.The media agencies released another slaughter, last week-end, - eight members of a family, including six children - as result of another NATO aerial bombing. Both in land and air, it has been so, daily, along 11 years, the time of this martyr Central-Asian country’s occupation, at the hands of imperialism.

Afghanistan, which was precisely, one of the central issues of the most recent NATO Summit in Chicago (20-21 May), the first to take place upon the adoption of the new strategic concept, issued in Lisbon, in 2010. The decision of withdrawing the so-called combat troops from Afghanistan until the end of 2014, was reiterated. Currently, the war will proceed and concerning the high number of Afghani victims, the dead or wounded, will join, meeting the sad destiny, the “war masters” of the great capital, within this strategic aggression of colonial inspiration, has reserved for them, many thousand of kilometres away from their homes. And beyond 2014, the USA and NATO have announced the intention of keeping thousands of soldiers, presumptively, to train the new Afghani army. One thing is certain: the interference, under the USA’s command, leaves behind a destabilizing long and explosive track, throughout a vast Central Asia region, bordering Pakistan, the ex-Soviet republics and the Xinjiang Chinese region, in which, drug trafficking, terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism and ethnic sectarianism stand out.

During Chicago ‘s Summit, the promise to carry on extending NATO’s “ global partnerships” and giving new life to the cavalcade of enlargement of the transatlantic alliance in the direction of the Balkans and Caucasia took place. In preparation is the incorporation of three country-protectorates, resulting from Yugoslavia’s dismantlement (Macedonia, Montenegro and Bosnia) along with the fourth ex-Soviet republic -Georgia. President Saakachivili, present in Chicago, and who struggles to keep power in the 2013 elections, stated to be very confident in the adhering, in 2014. Once again, NATO expressed its support to Georgia’s territorial integrity and exhorted Russia to retrocede concerning Abkhásia’s and South-Ossetia’s recognition (ignoring that separatism within Georgia is a result of the USSR’s disintegration and not of the 2008 war, to which the USA forced the Tbilissi government). Shamelessly, the approved statement reaffirms the compromise in the KOR mission in the Kosovo - a Serbian province which secession, sponsored by the USA and the EU violates the UN’s own 1244 CS resolution, within the remains of NATO’s illegitimate war against Yugoslavia. All this, in a moment when news is released on the use of Kosovo as a training camp for Syrian “opposition” forces. Syria, one of the few Mediterranean countries not involved in NATO’s “partnerships” regional framework, is targeted by an enormous terror campaign, including at the media level.

Russia was absent, postponing the NATO-Russia Council for a better occasion. On Putin‘s return to the Kremlin, in Moscow, many discontent and apprehension signals have sounded. Chicago emphatically proclaimed the NATO anti-missile shield’s own capacity vigour, and the command centre will be operating from USA’s Ramstein base in Germany, integrating itself within the global system which Washington develops. The offensive shield, the new armament run touch-stone, with the objective of imperialism’s absolute hegemony, is, a direct threat to the strategic potential deterrent of Russia (and China). Its instalment carries unto the USA’s nuclear supremacy illusion, dangerously threatening the world’s balance and peace.

The bellicose madness shall not save capitalism from its structural crisis. The economic reality’s decisive weight, amid a world in deep re- arrangement, will end up to lay down. The struggle for peace and emancipation are currently, utterly important, moreover to avoid Humanity to pay a price too high, to crush imperialism’s wings.

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  • Articles and Interviews
  • Nato
  • Syria
  • War
  • Yugoslavia