By Jorge Cadima


Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the International Department

One more Arab country is being destroyed. Yemen, one of the poorest countries, is a victim of Saudi Arabia and other Gulf Arab countries’ bombs, the latter some of the richest of the planet. The UN responsible for the Humanitarian Affairs says “ at least 519 people were killed and almost 1700 wounded during the last two weeks, and more than 90% of the victims are children” ( in Deutsche Welle,2015.04.03). According to the same source, “ almost 40 people, the majority civilians, were killed during an aerial incursion over a refugee camp”. The USA government declared its support to the bombardments, promising “ logistical support […] to the military operations, monitored by the Gulf Cooperation Council” ( in a White House communiqué, 2015.03.25). The USA military involvement within Yemen is not new. President Obama, on the September 10, 2014, quoted that country as an example of success concerning its policy on drones to “ eliminate terrorists which threaten us, and at that same time, we support partners on the front line”. According to the Deutsche Wells, the German official broadcasting station, ( 2015.03.03) currently “the Al Qaeda is in control of most of Mukalla, the third larger Yemen town”. But those are not the real aims of the Saudi bombardments, supported by the USA…

As in Libya, Iraq or Syria, the purpose - upon the USA’s direct interventions failures – is another: create the chaos, in order to, before the inexistence of sovereign states able to affirm their independence, open the path towards imperialist plunder. The fundamentalist terrorist groups, patronized by Saudi Arabia, give their contribution for that objective. Saudis have been imperialism faithful serviles, and in 2011, their troops crushed the popular rebellion in the neighbour Bahrain (the USA V Naval Squadron seat). They ought to bet on a confrontation with Iran. But they should be on garde. Once achieved their role, they ought to be disposable. As well as Saddam Hussein accepted to fight the USA war against the Iranian revolution, in 1979, and later on, was executed by those he had served.

The announced agreement on the Iran nuclear programme is indeed a contrary issue, concerning dialogue and conflicts’ pacific solution? It is too early to evaluate its whole significance. All cautions are needed.

Before June, no agreement is to be signed. And it is convenient to remind that the USA signatures are of little value: there exist many ( Iraq, Libya, Yugoslavia) agreement records which but served the USA to create favourable conditions for a subsequent attack. The objective of creating cleavages among future victims might exist. And possibly real divergences within the USA dominant class ( together with Israel), but above all, they seem to influence the war strategy priorities of that powerful country in decline. Some ought to prefer indulge “at full time” in Russia and China. What is unquestionable is that important forces within the USA (and Israel) are opposed to the agreement, as it was made clear by the 47 Republican senators’ public position. John Bolton, former USA ambassador in the UN, signed an article in the New York Times (2015.03.26) entitled “Bomb Iran to stop Iran’s bomb”. Showing there are no limits for dementia, another well known NYT journalist, Thomas Friedman, had published days before (2015.03.18) the following :” Shouldn’t ISIS be armed?[…]. As, for the third time since September 11, one is fighting a favourable war to Iran? In 2002, Iran’s main Sunnite rival was destroyed in Afghanistan (the Taliban regime). Then, the main Sunnite Iran’s rival within the Arab world (Saddam Hussein), in 2003. […] . And why is one interested in destroying the last Sunnite bastion of the total Iranian control in Iraq?”. “ War against terrorism”, or war through terrorism? The “divide to reign” is changing into “ destroy to reign”.

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