As the NATO Summit begins today in Warsaw, Poland, PCP alerts to the serious aims of increasing warmongering action by this aggressive political-military bloc led by the US.
At this Summit, NATO affirms a new step in its action of tension and confrontation aimed at the Russian Federation, with the dangers to peace in Europe and in the world that such action involves.
Once again kindling an alleged "Russian threat" to conceal its offensive purpose, NATO reinforces its presence and military action in Eastern Europe, particularly in Poland and the Baltic. For 25 years NATO has been promoting its expansion to the East that, having witnessed the aggression against Yugoslavia, is increasingly getting closer to the borders of the Russian Federation.
Following its aggression against Libya, NATO also strengthened its presence and action in the Middle East and North Africa, resorting, among others, to the excuse of the drama of the refugees, for which they are the first to be blamed.
NATO increases its capacity of military intervention, promotes the increase in military spending and the arms race.
In this context, particularly serious is the installation of the US/NATO anti-missile system in Europe, a system that widens the imbalance of forces on a global scale, generating an increasing arms race.
The Warsaw Summit will also reaffirm and strengthen NATO’s cooperation with the European Union - its European pillar – aimed at strengthening its militaristic facet in its recently adopted "Comprehensive European Strategy”.
NATO is an instrument of tension, destabilisation, aggression against States that, asserting and defending their sovereignty and independence, have represented a factor of containment against the imposition of imperialism’s hegemonic domination, in particular of US imperialism.
With its direct or indirect action, NATO is responsible for wars of aggression against Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya or Syria, is responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead and wounded, for the denial of meeting basic needs of millions of human beings, for the drama of millions of refugees and displaced people, for the colossal destruction it caused.
Wars of aggression that were always “justified” under the most varied and false pretences, as was once again shown by the UK the inquiry on the aggression and invasion of Iraq in 2003, which had its imprint in Portugal, at the Lajes Summit , hosted by Durão Barroso.
Invoking unfounded "threats", the cynical “fight against terrorism” or alleged “defence of human rights” and of “democracy”, NATO is responsible for the most brutal human rights violations, State terrorism and support to groups which are known for their action of terror, destruction of sovereign States, disregard for the sovereignty and will of the peoples.
This NATO Summit takes place at a time when, in the context of a deepening structural crisis of capitalism, besides Europe, the Middle East and Africa, imperialism also promotes destabilisation attacks in Latin America and a growing militarisation in Asia and the Pacific.
Restating its position and intervention for the dissolution of NATO and the implementation by Portugal of a policy of peace, friendship and cooperation with all peoples of the world, PCP joins the campaign "Yes to Peace! No to NATO” promoted by the Peace movement in Portugal and calls for participation in the protest actions to be held today in Lisbon and tomorrow in Porto.