"YES to Peace ! NO to NATO"

"Avante!" Article by Rui Paz, collaborator of the International Department

During the AVANTE FESTIVAL closing rally, the PCP's Secretary-General warned those who criticized us when the Party, in 2009, pointed out the need of confirming through the facts, the elaborated speeches of the world peace promises, of the Nobel Prize for Obama, of change, dialogue, the ending of unilateralism, to talk and tell what is thought, currently, about the " tension focuses' profusion throughout the world", " the USA's and NATO's hypocrisy on the nuclear issue", " the Reagan, Bush and now Obama's star war rehabilitation, in several parts of the world", " the permanence of 50 000 USA's soldiers in Iraq", " the Afghanistan slaughter, in progress", " the spreading of war to Pakistan", "the tension and interference strategy throughout all the Middle East" and " the Israel crimes against the peoples' of the region, such as the Lebanese and the martyrized Palestinian people ".

The young and those who are concerned about threats and dangers against peace, can prove true, in a precious file under the name of " For April, for Peace, No to NATO!", published in the last O Militante (September/October), as how, since its foundation to the present days, that imperialist military alliance has been, more and more, bogged down, in the swamp of lies and hypocrisy. And for those who might think it is an exclusive communist evaluation, its enough to read the accusatory petition of complaint against the Independent Commission for the USA's and NATO's War Crimes Investigation against the People of Yugoslavia, managed by the former North-American Minister of Justice, Ramsey Clark. These are proved and unquestionable facts, which, within a true free and democratic world should drive unto the immediate NATO dissolution, such as "the Yugoslavia dismantlement planning and execution, Yugoslavia's ethnic confrontation and impoverishment; efforts' impediment and sabotage for maintaining unity, peace and stability within Yugoslavia; liquidation of the United Nations' peace- guardian role; destruction and damnification of buildings, resources and economic, social, cultural health, diplomatic and religious institutions' material values; raids against useful targets for the population's life; assaults against buildings, containing dangerous chemical and energetic substances, such as factories, petrol and gas reservoirs; death and wounding of unarmed people; use of fragmentation bombs, uranium and other forbidden weapons; war against environment; sanctions' enforcement; creation of an ad-hoc illegal court in order to liquidate and diabolize the Serbian leaders; attempt of liquidation on the Eslavian and other Yugoslavian peoples' sovereignty, democracy and culture..." Within the Clark Commission document, the USA, NATO and its main members are yet accused of crimes against p peace and against Humanity.

As Jeronimo de Sousa highlighted, the Lages and Lisbon war summits will be differentiated by the photo on which Barroso is replaced by Socrates. The prime-minister and PS Secretary-General's disloyalty towards the April ideals, will not hinder the people, which the April captains helped to free from the colonial war and the fascist regime which founded NATO, to cry out "Peace Yes! NATO No!", throughout the Liberdade Avenue, on the 20th November next.,

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