The PCP expresses its concern over the deteriorating situation in the Ukraine resulting from the coup in February and marked by escalating violence and political and xenophobic repression promoted by the most reactionary sectors of the Ukrainian oligarchy and by forces of a fascist and Nazi nature, with support from the US, EU and NATO.
The PCP alerts to the serious consequences of the use of military force - in particular in the regions of Eastern Ukraine - to crush the protest movement and popular opposition to the illegitimate regime resulting from the coup and the oppressive and xenophobic measures it tries to implement together with the imposition of a package of economic plunder and social cuts agreed with the IMF, fostering deep divisions in the country
The PCP stresses the responsibility of the US, the EU and NATO in the worsening situation in the Ukraine. Denounces the great hypocrisy and complicity of imperialism in view of the wave of provocations, of inciting violence, violations of freedoms and rights and crimes perpetrated by ultra-nationalist and fascist forces in this country, as exemplified by the massacre that took place on May 2 in Odessa, suffered by citizens who oppose the forces and power from the coup. Draws attention to the great dangers arising from the impunity of these crimes and their perpetrators, impunity that history has already proved can have dramatic consequences for the peoples of the world.
The PCP denounces the growing movement of NATO military means and personnel to Eastern Europe which, in the escalating tension and confrontation with the Russian Federation, can have serious implications for peace and security in this region.
The PCP supports the quest for a political solution to the present crisis in the Ukraine that should include the recognition of the illegitimate nature of the coup derived power and the establishment of a real process of dialogue that meets the legitimate and just demands of the people.
The PCP condemns the repressive and anticommunist campaign promoted by the coup forces and reaffirms its solidarity with the Ukrainian Communists faced with attacks and the occupation and destruction of offices and assets of the Communist Party of Ukraine. The PCP condemns and demands the immediate end of threats and initiatives that seek to limit the activity and to outlaw the Communist Party of Ukraine as well as other democratic forces.
Demanding from the Portuguese government a stand in line with the Constitution of the Republic and not to get involved in manoeuvres of interference in the Ukraine, the PCP reaffirms its solidarity with the workers and the Ukrainian people and their deep aspirations for an Ukraine free from fascist threat and imperialist interference, sovereign, independent, prosperous, peaceful, democratic and with social progress.