"Within the meshes of the crisis"

Translated "Avante!" article by Albano Nunes, member of the Secretariat of the Central Committee

Whichever might be the truth of the facts - and in the moment when much is written, a lot is still unclear - it is evident that the Dominique Strauss-Kahn case is far from being a pure police matter and much lesser an example of independence and impartiality of the North-American class justice system, a system which provides coverage to some of the worst imperialism crimes throughout the world. But if DSK, the main leader of one of the most powerful international organizations was caught in the meshes of the USA’s justice, he was also caught in the meshes of the capitalism crisis and the struggle acuteness among the great capital different fractions and the great powers, for the lion’s share of the imperialist stake.a

There is no reason to lift a finger in DSK’s defence, one of those “socialists” - alike Socrates, Papandreou or Zapatero - absolutely indispensable for the capitalism’s survival. It is known he preconized some Keynes’ inclination solutions, possibly explaining the reason for his meteoric estrangement. It is known he shared the opinion that Greece’s situation was untenable and obviously, in the interest of the Euro and the financial system, there was a really necessary to proceed with a restructure of the Greek debt, notwithstanding the risk of “ contamination” which Merkel and peers fear for. A position which was far from being pacific amid the womb of the great powers’ directory, which is in command of the EU and in the meantime, not only is preparing to impose a new hard sacrifice package, but - as stated by the Euro patron Jean-Claude Junker, to Der Spiegel, on the 11.05.21, proposing the creation of a Greek Treuhand (*) - which contains institutionalized interference forms of an openly colonial nature.

DSK is a man who belongs to the system, which diligently served the high capitalist finance, but, difficulties and contradictions made him inconvenient and disposable. One of those bourgeois politicians, which during the early years sailed in “left-wing” waters and was discovered, bought and formatted by the great capital, in order to serve it. A typical example of that kind of technocrats which change social-democracy into an imperialism pillar, but exhibits an “ anti-neo-liberal” appearance and a “left-wing” varnish , very useful for capitalism to moderate its support base erosion. DSK was a devoted great capital server and nothing guarantees, as so often happened with some dominant class important figures “ fallen into disgrace”, he might not return to the political scene highlight.

But apparently , it seems the system is better off with Mme.Christine Lagarde as the IMF’s leader: France, Germany and Great-Britain have agreed to support the nomination of Sarkozy’s current minister of economy, known as by her Anglo-Saxonic’s direction trajectory. The IMF importance, at the capitalist system’s cupule becomes the object of a particularly intense dispute within the capitalist crisis deepening framework. Regardless from the truth inquiry on the “DSK case”, this is an unavoidable question.

The crisis which runs throughout the EU and which the Portuguese suffer in their own skin, the Japan recession ,which persists ( and the Fukushima disaster worsened) and the spectrum hanging over the USA’s economy, as a result of its brutal indebtedness and the Federal Reserve’s Pharaonic injections unto the financial system, are realities that overshadow the international situation’s uncertainty, within a framework in which the major unsettled question on the monetary system’s reform is outstanding, and together with it , the questioning on the dollar rule and the USA’s role in the world. The international life ’s fait divers must not allow one to loose sight of the essential: the capitalism deep structural and systemic crisis, the dangers it holds and the need of confronting it, with determination and confidence.

* The Treuhand, created by the German government during the DDR’s annexation process, was the key instrument to privatize and dismantle this socialist country’s powerful state sector.

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