"War Noble Prize""

The Oslo Committee has just awarded the so-called “peace” Nobel Prize to the world greatest armament exporter. In 2010, the whole European Union states sold to a multiplicity of countries, 32% of all the weapons traded within the five continents, followed by the United States of America (30%) and Russia (24%). Upon 1990, these EU states modified their military doctrines, allegedly defensive, in openly aggressive doctrines which unleashed or were involved in about 12 military conflicts in Africa, Asia and Europe, only but mentioning the last 20 years.

As stated in the Lisbon Treaty, the EU aims to found a super-State, based on militarism, in more and more workers’ exploitation and the plunder of the planet’s energetic reserves. The myth on which the European Union has been a peace factor within Europe, is integrated in the current historical revisionism process and, firstly, aims to conceal the USSR’s socialist countries role concerning peace preservation, imperialism aggressiveness containment and its war and world domain plans. Once the USSR and the East socialist states disappeared, the capitalist powers hastily proved their true objectives, starting by Germany and France, which since Maastricht, have been accelerating this domain, the satellite and colonization process of European peoples, and dragging them along unto military aggressions. In the Truppenpraxis (2196),the official German Army journal, one can read “ in order to obtain what once was traded, it will be necessary to go to war” and that “ the XXI century will be of new colonialism (…), the future colonies being primarily the suppliers and flow markets for the colonial powers”. General Klaus Reinhardt, who commanded the military missions in Somalia and in the Balkans, explains in an interview for the Der Spiegel (19/2001), that, without the German military intervention within the ex-Yugoslavia, minister Bodo Hombach, would have never been representing the EU, for the “stability pact”, in the region. More recently, a president of the republic was obliged to step down, after, inadvertently, revealing the truth, after stating that the German military troops, in Afghanistan, were defending Germany’s “economic interests“.

The Stability Growth Programmes / SGP, aggression pacts, national and foreign troikas ( in Portugal the PSD /CDS, PS), the budget pact, and currently, the last European Council’s decision to deepen the MEU (Monetary Economic Union), are a real plunder war against workers and the European peoples. The official recent report on poverty within Germany, clearly reveals who are the victims and the aid recipients of this class offensive. Currently, 10% of the German population holds 55% of the country’s wealth ( goods, money and quoted shares, whilst, 50% but hold 1%. Considering wealth in currency, the 850 000 millionaires and multimillionaires (1% of the population) already hold 44 to 45 % of all the existent currency within Germany. Only 20 000 of the wealthiest families ( a thousandth of the population), hold almost a quarter of the whole wealth in the country’s currency. This fast and incommensurable wealth accumulation by a rapacity minority, is the outcome of the theft upon the State and the workers’ incomes, perpetrated by the successive governments, in the name of the so-called “markets” demands, an expression which hinders the monopolist great bourgeoisie’s class brutal offensive.

One is living a time of oppressor and exploiter classes’ great institutional and anti-constitutional violence, which explains the reactionary cannibalistic nature of the capitalist “ethics”, but simultaneously, revealing the communists moral superiority, whose principles carry on into the XXI century, holding the major course in the defence of civilization and peace.

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