Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the CC and of the International Department

"War escalade"

The aggression escalade ( in its political, economic and military dimensions) the USA (and its allies) proceed against the Middle East peoples has reached a serious and dangerous stage, concerning the military intervention in Syria and direct confrontation with Iran.
Together with the announced and predictable ending of the Arab League observers’ mission - which, up to the current moment, has not accomplished its interference and reality disfigurement role, as it were the USA’s and NATO’s allies and the Gulf Counsel’s intention by the USA and NATO’s allies and the Gulf Counsel -, the Emir of Qatar, openly mentioned, the direct military intervention issue, in Syria.

Ban Ki-moon, the Secretary - General, giving another blow on the United Nations and the Charter’s consecrated principles, “conveniently” urges the Security Council’s whitening and support regarding the aggression against Syria - which is correctly rejected by Russia and China.
Russia, itself, denounces the military intervention plans in Syria, which will be originated and have the support basis in Turkey, a NATO member country, which already has a major role within the interference , destabilization and aggression operation unto Syria.

Within this framework, the Syrian Government implements measures with the purpose of promoting the dialogue and ensuring national unity, whilst armed groups carry on boycotting any negotiated solution, perpetrating sabotage and assaults against economic objectives, the population and the Syrian troops, in order to install chaos and insecurity, and if possible, a situation which might be used to conceal the direct military intervention, planed a long time ago by the USA and the support of its NATO’ and region allies.

At the same time, the USA adopts new measures against Iran, legislating the imposing of sanctions ( in six months time) unto any company or country that carries out payments through the Central Bank of Iran, namely for oil purchases - which represents , for all effects, a war declaration in the economic level and a manoeuvre with deep and unpredictable consequences for the economic situation of several countries and world-wide.

The USA’s administration, even before the beginning of the Summer, currently seeks for the European Union’s and Japan’s support to undergo Iran’s economic isolation and financial asphyxia, adverting and threatening with sanctions the countries which do not submit to its dictate. However, this measure has not Russia, China ( a country which has been sanctioned by the USA, under this new measure), Turkey (which imports from Iran most of the oil it needs) and of other countries.’ support.
One must highlight the USA has adopted this new measure against Iran, at the moment enormous military means are being committed to the Persian Gulf - that is, just close to Iran -, and in Israel ( the only country in possession of nuclear weapons in the Middle East) and supply major and modern military equipment to its allies in the Gulf Council. Iran is yet confronted with all kind of instigations and illegalities, as the assassination of scientists linked with its nuclear energy programme - which ensures to have peaceful purposes and have the right to develop - or instead its boarders violation carried out by USA’s spy planes.
Ultimately, the USA is determined to confine Iran, building a pretext for one more imperialist war stage, which aims the Asia ’s and Pacific’s domain.

At the moment when they are confronted with the deep crisis deepening, the war escalade promoted by the USA within the Middle East, is a threat not only for those peoples and countries which do not subdue within the region, but to all the peoples of the world that cry out the right to exercise their sovereignty and the economic development of their countries - for the present moment and the future one must halt it !

  • Chronic International
  • European Union
  • Nato
  • Syria
  • United Nations
  • War