"Walls, dead and lies"

Article by Jorge Cadima, Member of the International Department

Farewell to communism? The outcome: a million dead”. The title does not belong to a communist publication. But to an Italian great capital newspaper, the Corriere della Sera (09.11.09), which publishes an Oxford and Cambridge professors’ study, published by the Lancet, a
accredited British medical magazine.” Based on Unicef’s data, from 1989 to 2002”, the authors state that “ mass privatization policies within the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe countries,
increased mortality in 12,8%, […]that is, premature death was caused among a million people”. “Where “chock therapies” were used, more deaths occured: in Russia, between 1991 and 1994, life expectation diminished 5 years”. Previous studies’ conclusions
were even worse.

As the Corriere della Sera writes, in 1999, “ The
UN’s agency for development, the UNDP, registered 10 million disappeared people, during the terrestrial regime change, and the Unicef itself mentioned more than 3 million victims. To celebrate these magnificent results, imperialism’s general-staff, gathered in Berlin, with pomp and circumstance, together with endless television
transmissions, celebrating the 20 years of the Eastern

Capitalism’s reinstatement balance is , for yet , very severe. Not mentioning the Eastern alive suffering – extreme poverty, homeless, prostitution, drug addiction or mass emigration spreading, in order to survive –
the 1989-91 counter-revolution effects were felt in the whole planet.
A triumphant and eager imperialism’s “chock therapies”, to reconquer the lost positions along the XXth Century, became a global lethal reality, and had, in 2008, its inevitable corollary: the greatest capitalism crisis since 1930.At the same time, a deadly war
escalade was launched by imperialism, liberated from the socialist countries’ counterweight. Many hundred thousand dead ( more than 650 thousand in Iraq, according to a published study in the Lancet, 2006) “the fall of the Wall, within the Gulf, in Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Lebanon, Palestine and now in Pakistan – not
mentioning “minor” aggressions, are the result. And together with USA’s secret prisons’” Gulag”, spread all over the world, from which, many thousand of kidnapped and tortured people disappeared, by an above control system repression in the whole.

The proud “free world” leaders, who gathered in Berlin, are all responsible for this bloodshed and repression. They might exhibit pleasant faces and treat themselves by Hillary, Angela, Nicolas, Bill, Tony or “ well-done, chap !” But the blood and suffering from millions of people around the world, run from their hands –
from Peshawar to Guantanamo ( which carries on open”, from Abu Ghraid to Honduras ( under the coup d’état leaders and the “democratic” media indifference), from the Mexican “ assembly
plants” to the Palestine refugee camps ( which carry on – for 60 years – awaiting for their State).

Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, who now faces a trial in the USA, is a Western-democratic “Gulag”issue, accused of being responsible, firstly for September but wasn’t it Bin Laden?). According to the New York Times (09.11.15) “ he was subjected to “ waterboarding” for 183
times, an almost drowning technique. The paper stated he was also responsible “ for a series of conspirations” as well as “President Bill Clinton, Pope John Paul II and the World Trade Center 1993 bombs “.

Another simulated drowning and he would confess being responsible for global heating and Don Sebastian’s disappearance in Alcácer - Quibir. But lets consider the accused’s life: a Pakistani, brought up in Kuwait and qualified by an American university, travelled, after finishing his studies “ to Pakistan and Afghanistan, in order to join the mejahedines soldiers which, at that stage, received millions of dollars from the CIA, to fight against the Soviet troops” (in NYT, 09.11.15).The current occupied
Afghanistan and where “ according to NATO’s leaders […], one third of the Afghani police are drug addicts” (in Sunday Times, 09.11.08). What a wonderful new world the “fall of the Wall” gave
birth to!

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