Votode Solidariedade

Vote of Solidarity for the release of Khaleda Jarrar and other members of the Palestinian Legislative Council

Vote of Solidarity for the release of Khaleda Jarrar and other members of the Palestinian Legislative Council

By the initiative of the Parliamentary Group of the Portuguese Communist Party, was approved, in the Portuguese Parliament, a «Vote of Solidarity for the release of Khaleda Jarrar and other members of the Palestinian Legislative Council», in the last July 7th.

Khaleda Jarrar, Member of the Palestinian Legislative Council, was detained by Israeli military forces at dawn on July 2 in the occupied Palestinian territories of the West Bank.
The detention of Khaleda Jarrar was accompanied by the detention of Khitam Saafin, Ihab Massoud and other Palestinian activists who fight for the creation of a sovereign and viable Palestinian State, with the pre-1967 borders and capital in East Jerusalem, upholding the right of return of the refugees, as reiterated in numerous United Nations resolutions.
Khaleda Jarrar, MP, lawyer and activist in defence of the rights of the Palestinian people, has been the victim of various persecutory measures by the Israeli authorities, and has been prevented from travelling outside the occupied Palestinian territories, subject to a deportation order from Ramallah to Jericho and detained from April 2, 2015 to June 3, 2016, coming out of prison following a vast campaign of solidarity for her release.
It should be recalled that Israel continues to hold under detention other Palestinian MPs, mostly under administrative detention, without trial or charges.
Thus, the Assembly of the Republic, meeting in Plenary Session,
1. Expresses its solidarity with Khaleda Jarrar and the other Palestinian MPs arrested by Israel, calling for their immediate release;
2. Reaffirms the stand of the Portuguese State regarding the principle of the coexistence of two States, Palestine and Israel, in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and the principles established by International Law.

Assembly of the Portuguese Republic, July 7, 2017

  • Assembleia da República
  • Peace and Solidarity