Translated “Avante!” article by Jorge Cadima, member of the International Department of PCP
The Venezuela National Constituent Assembly election (ANC) was an outstanding victory. For several months, the country has been victimized by brutal daily violence, issue from the home and international reaction, that profited the decrease of oil prices and, provoked the economic chaos as a subversion weapon ( as in Chilli, in the 70’s, preparing the path for Pinochet , or even in Venezuela itself, preparing the 2002 coup d’état). In spite of one of the most utterly miserable social media lie campaign, at the service of the great capital and imperialism, the people of Venezuela ran in mass to vote, proving their will of sovereignty.
“The democratic opposition” – that burnt alive many people, in the last weeks (some cases are documented in videos, in the internet) – claimed against participation and actively tried to boycott the opening of the voting centres, as well as the displacement of voters. Imperialism mobilized all means, terrorist bands, which crimes are attributed to the government; a media “ war style” e “fake news”, as all those that precede imperialist great operations; the repeated sanction threats; the previous announcement of the non-acceptance of the election outcome; candidates’ assassination. But over 8 million Venezuelan voted – the second greater absolute ballot in favour of the Bolivarian Revolution. The percentage of voters for the ANC – 41,5% of the electoral corps – is almost what Macron achieved in the second ballot against Le Pen, and whilst considered a smashing triumph. The images of the presence of many tens of thousand electors, coming from the most struck zones by fascist violence unto the electoral special headquarters, situated in the Caracas Polyhedron, are the proof of the Venezuelan determination and courage, in the mist of all difficulties and problems.
The importance of Venezuela is enormous, for its oil resources, but also for what it represents within the process of sovereignty and progressive affirmation, in Latin America and throughout the world. For those that ought to be carried away by the anti-Bolivarian campaigns, from Trump to the Left-Wing Block (in statement CM, in DN 2017.07.30), one ought to allow the CIA Director himself, named by Trump, to clarify the issue. Pompeo, addressing a friendly audience, in a forum on “security”, at the Aspen Institute (transcription from the Institute site) : there is hope of a transition in Venezuela and we, at the CIA, are doing our best to understand the dynamics, in order to inform our State Department and others,[…] present in Mexico City and Bogotá, last week, to speak about this issue, and help them to understand what ought to be done”. Even the choice of Mexico and Colombia is elucidative.” The International and Strategic Studies Institute, in London, pointed out Mexico as the second most violent country in the world, considering the 23 thousand people assassinated in the previous year. In Syria […]the number of assassinated people was higher in 2016” (in, 2017.07.30). Nothing that ought to worry the imperial social media: all for the sake of business.
This election does not signify the end of imperialism interferences nor fascist violence in Venezuela. Trump has announced new sanctions, as result of people’s boldness and voice. More blood is wanted, more Libyas, more Syrias, more Iraqs. But the clear affirmation of the dignity and courage of a people, that desires peace and does not want to give away the Bolivarian Achievements, opens up better perspectives for future struggles.