" The vampires"

Translated "Avante!" article by Jorge Cadima, member of the International Department

Zeca Afonso was right. If anyone makes a mistake with a serious look, and opens up the doors at their arrival, they eat all away, they eat all away and leave nothing.. The script which dumped Greece and Ireland has arrived now in Portugal. The great national and international financial great capital alliance wants to hit a coup de grâce upon our country, already weakened after 35 years of policies at the service of the home and external vampires. What the European Union (presided by a Portuguese…) and the IMF (presided by a French “socialist”…) prepare currently for our country is not “aid” .It is a new stage in Portugal’s and the Portuguese dispossessing process carried out by the great powers’ capital. It is < a mafia embrace, as the Irish and Greek can testify>, in Michael Burke’s words, an ex-Citibank economist (in the Guardian, 11.04.07). Burke says: < The Irish and Greek “aids” were presented as an extreme, but necessary step, in order to sustain the State’s solvency. But they failed. Both economies suffered further cuts amid the international credit rating agencies >. In parallel with the TV soap on a mafia family, The Sopranos, Burke writes: < The reason by which these huge “aid “amounts increase the possibility of bankruptcy is because they are Tony Soprano “aids” - not a dime will go to the mentioned countries, but otherwise to their creditors, the European banks, and more and more, the USA’s hedge funds. It is a re-edition of the renowned bank bail out operations [ …]. The contributors of the so-called “ periphery” economies are “helping” Europe’s greatest banks >.

For decades they sold illusions. Industry, agriculture, fisheries were destroyed; our culture, democracy, social support; our sovereignty. It was said to be modern and inevitable. But it was all lies.. A colossal and selfish hoax..

With the collapse of successive Euro zone countries operations, the EU command centres intent to achieve several purposes, simultaneously.

As one has witnessed, the first is filling further up the dilated bellies of the financial great capital. The second, to more and more centralize all the continent’s command amid the hands of the European centre’s great capital, which from Libya unto the Ivory Coast, uncovers, more and more, shows the colonial-imperialist past’s claws. The third is, under the concocted crisis, unleash a demolishing attack against social conquests, which European workers’ and peoples’ achieved following the Nazi-Fascism and its Iberia and Greek variants defeat, burying the so-called “European social model”, which only existed, because the European leader classes feared the socialist revolutions which shook the continent during the XX Century. They intend to create a gigantic working-force reserve (even more) cheaper in its periphery - such as the Mexican make-up fashion, in the south USA borders.

Does anyone consider this scenario unthinkable? What one witnesses currently was considered “unthinkable”, despite the PCP’s successive warnings on what concerned the disaster in progress. Does anyone still think a EU country cannot “sink”? Think about Zeca Afonso’s words: vampires carry ancient wrecks in their womb, but nothing ties them to ended lives. Last year, the hypothesis of excluding Greece from the Euro zone or even the EU, was mentioned.
Currently, this perspective is pointed out on others. Paul Mason, the BBC’s economic team journalist, writes (in 11.04.07): < both logical and technically elegant solutions are: (i )the periphery abandons the Euro zone; (ii) the North takes over all the system’s control>. But there is a third solution. Logically and politically elegant. The European workers and peoples ( from the South and North) take up again the social revolution banner. And show all the world’s leaders /butlers, the make-up lords and out-law masters that the latest young wine and the last round shall be danced amid the pinewood, chosen by the people.

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