Translated "Avante!" article by Albano Nunes, Member of the International Department
The USA policy ought to be basically decided by a “paranoiac” president and “ an inconsistent and erratic” administration? That has been basically the vision promoted by the dominant media that, ignoring the North-American power system class nature, covers and trivializes the USA’s most serious attempts against the UN Charter and International Law. But what the world is really confronted with, it not only an ultra-reactionary and megalomaniac president’s humours, along with an ignorant and adventurous government. With the North-American imperialism, a super-power indulged in a dangerous run beyond, as an answer to the system structural crisis deepening and the decline of the USA relative power, within the framework of a formidable re-arrangement of forces, at world level.
À propos of Donald Trump’s speech at the United Nations Assembly, unique by its arrogance, insulting and cud getter rhetoric, a speech of an unqualified vulgarity and reveals the sharpening strategy of international tension, in which the North-American imperialism is committed. The threat unto “totally destroy North Korea”, when practically all the world rejects a military solution and considers the need to give the PRDK security guarantees and begin negotiations, with the aim of a political solution for the conflict; provocateur statements concerning Iran, jeopardizing the 2015 agreement, guided precisely to stop nuclear proliferation, a banner, cynically held by the USA, in order to submit those who resist; the threat of military intervention in Venezuela to destroy the Bolivarian revolution; the unbearable confrontation rhetoric classifying sovereign countries and UN members as “ pariah states” and “band of criminals”, all confirms that North-American imperialism is launched in a non- precedent aggressive drift .
The “ human rights defence” and “war to terrorism” are more and more unmasked, as a cover for a “world gendarme” role, the USA calls upon itself and the worsening of the tension in many parts of the world and at worldwide level, which perfectly serves the “American first” policy, that stands in Washington: fight China’s growing role and of other emergent powers, by affirming tits hegemony before its allies (namely NATO and the European Union) , imposing measures for world trade, more favourable for USA monopolies, dominate energy and raw materials resources, particularly, developing the run to armament and achieve a huge business with weapon trade. It is more and more clearer that, concerning this matter, Trump follows Obama’s steps and former presidents. It is significant that Trump’s speech at the UN coincided with the approval by the USA Senate of a gigantic military budget rounding 700 thousand million dollars. The number of generals belonging Trump’s administration makes it clear on the importance of the industrial military complex within the USA economy and foreign policy. That explains the greatest dangers for international security and peace.