Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the CC and Responsible of the International Department
Today, August 14th 2014, begins, once again, the process conducted by the Kiev coup authorities against the Communist Party of Ukraine (CPU), with the purpose of its interdiction.
The objective of interdicting the CPU – upon the dissolving of its parliamentary group within the Ukrainian parliament – represents a new step in this immense torrent of rights and freedoms violation – a terror campaign along with a series of intimidation and repression, which accompanied and followed the state coup in February last, encouraged and supported by the USA, EU and NATO, perpetrated by the oligarchy and Ukrainian Fascists and Neo-Nazi shock riot forces.
CPU and other Ukrainian democratic and anti- fascist forces suffered their headquarters being assaulted, militants threatened, hurt and victims of the most hideous brutality – as the slain at the Trade-Union House, in Odessa, in May 2nd. Equally, the Donbass populations, in East Ukraine, which reject and resist to the coup order and the Fascist hordes, were and carry on being military punished and repressed, having been deliberate and methodically bombed and slain by the Kiev’s troops and Fascist paramilitary groups under the oligarchs orders- an authentic terror campaign, carried out with imperialism’s incentive and support along with the accomplice silence of the great “western” media means.
The coup authorities have the purpose, by forbidding the CPU, of silencing the political force which has denounced the war against the Ukrainian people and the serious consequences for the Ukrainian workers and people following both the IMF “agreement” and the EU “association agreement”- authentic plunder mechanisms; along with impeding that the inevitable rejection and resistance to its violence, exploitation and war policy ought to hold political expression (alias, as proved by the presidential elections real farce, May last) and , even if eventually to become a political alternative – and basically, what the Ukrainian coup forces fear is the communist ideas attraction power.
Although when Fascism comes, it is never announced , and by proceeding unto the CPU interdiction, the Kiev authorities therefore denounce their fascist power character - an oligarchs’ real terrorist dictatorship, allied to imperialism -, in order to insure the Ukrainian workers and the people’s exploitation, plunder their outstanding wealth and place Ukraine at the service of the USA / NATO bellicose strategy, against the Russian Federation.
The CPU’s interdiction is not but an act targeted against communists – one ought to have full conscience that its purpose is much more vast : criminalize, illegalize and repress, not only communists , but all democrats and antifascists, all those who, in some way or another, resist and struggle against repression, exploitation and war, for freedom, democracy, progress and peace. Anticommunism, as history proves, is always antidemocratic.
At the same time that communists are persecuted and repressed, one ought to recall that the Ukrainian coup forces, rehabilitate and pay homage to Fascists who collaborated with the Nazi-Fascist troops during World War II, having committed crimes within Ukraine, which memory lives on among its people.
The intention of forbidding the Communist Party of Ukraine demands a firm denunciation and condemnation and a larger solidarity expression, not only for communists, but for all democrats and antifascists.