"Ukraine, Munich and the force correlation"

Translated "Avante!" article by Luis Carapinha, Member of the PCP International Department

The Ukraine crisis (political, economic and social) developments during these last months and weeks, are deeply serious. First of all, imperialism’s brutal involvement and interference within the old Soviet republic’s life. In the hindered and obscure intervention background and the funds to proselytise and destabilize, for over 20 years, the state and political pressure insolence carried out upon Kiev and the Ukraine society, upon the suspension of the ruinous Association with the EU, overpasses all limits. Among sanction threats, the main powers and NATO countries’ leaders hustle is frenetic, in Kiev. Catherine Ashton, responsible for the EU’s Foreign Affairs and Victoria Nuland, the under-secretary of the USA State Department (who gave out biscuits unto barracked activists in Independence Square) took it in turns, this last week. During the weekend, the interference airlifts, stopped over in Munich, the headquarters of one more edition of the international conference on security, which this year had the special participation of the two major personalities of the Ukraine “opposition“. Before the presence of high figures from the USA, EU and NATO, together with the Moscow’s and Kiev’s external policy responsible, Ukraine’s destiny was discussed. During Munich 2014, support statements were issued, from both sides of the Atlantic, on the Ukraine’s constitutional reform, prepared by Iatseniúk and Klichko. The overblown announcement of which the USA and the EU prepare an emergency “aid” programme for Kiev, the IMF being in the disposition of softening some of the austerity hardest demands in exchange of yielding, in the political plan. Besides the differences, among all this mess, behind the Ukrainian people’s interests, one cannot help insinuating some disturbing parallel resemblance with the 1938 Munich pact…

Just arrived from Munich, unto the damned Maidan Square (a word which means “square” in Ukrainian), Klichko exhorted the creation of volunteer militia corps. It is not a secret that the barriers and occupations frontline, in the centre of Kiev, and the assaults to regional governments headquarters, are pontificated by the extreme neo-Nazi forces.

This is another of the central aspects of the Ukrainian political crisis, and which the Pharisaic speeches of “ defence of democracy” from the USA and the EU cannot hinder, but which effect overcomes the country’s boundaries. Financial and logistic aids are not scarce regarding these nationalist mobs , which learn their inspiration from criminal organizations, that collaborated with the World War II Nazi occupation and detain an institutional maximum representation through the “Freedom” party (more than 10% of votes in the legislative 2012 elections). Throughout many regions in the West of Ukraine a parallel power was proclaimed, the so-called “popular assemblies”, with no place for communists nor dissonant voices. It is not surprising that one of the first statements made by these backed up democrats from Washington and Brussels, was the Communist Party’s prohibition (along with the Region Party, of the long time discredited, president Ianukovitch).

The insurmountable class dimension falls into a back-stage plan. Imperialism and its followers capacity in order to use unto the nationalism swampy field, the after-effects of the economic and social failure, into which the post-Soviet Ukraine sunk, is inseparable, within the complex current circumstances, from the absence of the considerable trade-union movement fragility and the Ukraine proletariat and workers organization debility. Without its qualitative strengthening, Ukraine will carry on confronting the division and dictatorship spectrum, loosing its sovereignty, surrendering to the great monopolies domain and converting itself into an expansionist dangerous vital space agenda, in the direction unto the East.

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