Translated “Avante!” article by Albano Nunes, Member of the PCP International Department
Before the dominant class ideological diversion campaigns, it is never too much to remind that capitalism lives under a deep crisis, a crisis in which its fatal outcome delays bringing together the necessary social and political forces to achieve its revolutionary surpassing, in order to fulfill this historical void, the communists’ and revolutionary’s great purpose, throughout the world, therefore demanding staunchness in principles and a sharp analysis on reality. Evaluation illusions and mistakes concerning the European Union class nature have costs and are still having, regarding the international communist and revolutionary movement. On what concerns the PCP, its analysis and forecasts carry on to be proved, everyday. The 60th anniversary celebrations on the EEC founder treaties, conceived in order to proclaim the “ founders” and “re-launch” the capitalist integration process, ended up, otherwise, by exposing the impasses and contradictions that mine the EU and prove the impossibility of any other direction to “reconcile” the great capital exploitation and prey policy, along with a growing hostile public opinion.
Upon the vulgar Rome celebrations, during which, along with the Pope’s interference – notwithstanding the indispensable distances – admitted that, at the basis of the EEC creation there existed many altruist values -, the most outstanding element being the tremendous police repression disposal, the EU supranational instances announcement of a vast propaganda campaign, the Invest EU, in order to convince the peoples on the EU marvels, and pretend to publically debate the Junker’s White Book false alternatives, in order to build “democratically” decisions that have not for yet been considered.
One ought to unmask this double scam. If difficulties and contradictions are such that the Treaty of Rome – calling upon, namely the incertitude before the Brexit, Trump or even the France and Germany elections – that did not announce, absolutely anything, mobilizing concerning the Europe of the monopolies, the truth is that the dominant class several fractions are settled on the fundamental pillars regarding the direction to be followed: the pursuing of exploitation and plunder policies (fairly visible in the continuous interference process concerning Portugal), the great powers directorate reinforcement under a “ Europe at many speeds’, an absolute priority regarding Security and Defence policies.
Concerning this last issue, it is clearly assumed that nor the Brexit consequences nor Trump’s humours ought to interfere and so forth the announced increase in military expenditure is to go ahead, no matter what happens. Coexisting with the worsening of rivalries and contradictions among the capitalist great powers, class solidarity against workers and peoples and the EU nature as an imperialist block, with worldwide pretensions, are realities to be fought against, with determination, at a time the NATO Summit is to take place, in Brussels, May 25th next.