Translated "Avante!" article by Pedro Guerreiro, Member of the Secretariat of the Central Committe
Considerations and speculations entanglement carries on to hinder the clear understanding of contradictions, in the origin of the state coup, on July15, last. The known elements point out that the coup attempt ought to have been unleashed by sectors, till recently allies and currently occupying positions, very close to Erdogan and the AKP, together with Gulen’s supporters, among other sectors.
Gulen, an Islamic imam, with deep liaisons with the USA – from the time of the Islamism orchestration against the Soviet Union -, rules a vast organization, with members that have been occupying important positions within the state apparatus (including the armed forces, police and justice), as well as in education and the media, ensuring a growing influence within the Turkish society during the AKP governments. Alias, upon the coup attempt, Erdogan controlled , mainly and up to the present moment, the repressive measures against Gulen’s organization, pointing out his responsibility concerning the coup, and therefore carrying out an extended purge against many thousand of its members.
Within this framework, one of the most outstanding elements is the real measure of the USA’s involvement and nature in all the process ( the USA have a long history of coups’ support, in Turkey – an important NATO member and occupying a great geostrategic interest position).
Many factors have been pointed out, intimately connected with divisions amid the forces that have ruled Turkey, in the origin of the current situation deepening, among others, the country’s spread of the Islam process , the political power growing centralization, systematic limitation of democratic freedoms and rights, Syria’s aggression failure – before this country’s and people’s strong resistance – and the imposing of a real state of war in regions of Kurdish population predominance, in Turkey, in the sequence of the elections’ outcome, which took place, in June 2015.
The situation’s evolution round Turkey ought to carry on to demand all the attention, with multiple factors at stake and their repercussions, namely concerning the Middle East. Nevertheless, one ought not to overlook the huge cynicism of those who – such as the European Union, that negotiates Turkey’s adherence - pretend to find, within the failed coup debris, Erdogan’s and the AKP’s repressive and authoritarian nature, therefore, seeking to influence Turkey’s situation immediate evolution,, as cover up its wide conspiracy with the Turkish authorities and their policy, as Cyprus territory illegal occupation; the Kurdish population repression; the restriction of fundamental freedoms, rights and guarantees; Syria’s and Iraq’s aggression and plunder, promoting and protecting terrorist groups, supporting their deadly action; or, instead, the manipulation of the millions of refugees’ dramatic situation and the denial of their most elementary rights.
By emphasizing that many of those who point out their fingers unto the Turkish authorities, for having decreed the state of emergency and temporary suspended the Convention for the Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms adoption, are the very same who approved freedom restriction, rights and guarantees enforced by the French authorities upon the Paris attempts, in November last, that included precisely these two measures. Convenient and elucidative exercisesof hypocrite “amnesia”…
Within this complex situation, the expression of solidarity towards the Turkish communists and other democrats is urgent, along with its struggle for the defence of the rights, interests and desires of the people of Turkey.