Many thousands of workers, retired and unemployed, women and men, old and young, came to the streets throughout the country, on March 7th, answering the call of the General Confederation of the Portuguese Workers (CGTP-IN), giving greater strength to the struggle to defeat the PSD/CDS government, breaking from the right-wing policy followed for 38 years, and build and alternative and sovereign alternative.
With the theme «Break with the right-wing policy! Build a left-wing and sovereign alternative", dozens of demonstrations took place for better working conditions, for jobs with rights, against unemployment and precarity, for a general increase in wages, in firm defense of the workday, for more and better public services, to say enough to the destruction of the productive sector and the privatizations.
Jerónimo de Sousa, General-Secretary of PCP, was present in the demonstration that took place in Lisbon, where he declared PCP's solidarity with the worker's struggle and affirmed that "the Portuguese workers, by their struggle, and giving a mass response gainst this policy and against this government".
In these actions, the continuity of the struggle was reaffirmed, highlighting the next large initiatives: the national strike of the public administration workers, on March 13th, and the "March against precarity and exploitation", which begins on March 23rd and culminates with a demonstration of young workers, in Lisbon, on March 28th, National Day of the Youth.