Here we are accounting on the work carried out in the scope of the European Parliament by those elected on the CDU slates.
Today we present the assessment of the work carried out, but our accountability is made every day, to the workers and the people.
We said that the workers and the people could count on the CDU, five years later, we have fully fulfilled the commitments made.
Those hearing us know, from their own experience, that our MPs were not closed in their offices in Brussels and Strasbourg.
They travelled the country from end to end, multiplying themselves in contacts and actions, to understand in depth the problems, claims and aspirations of those who live and work here, giving them a voice in the European Parliament.
This is our way of being, a long-standing style that is to be continued and enhanced.
And here we are, with our chins up and with a feeling of duty accomplished, with the awareness of much that remains to be done.
There, as here, we say what we do and do what we say, straightforwardly and without hesitation.
Others cannot say the same.
When our MPs proposed there, in the European Parliament, that the funding of social and labour areas, productive sectors, conservation of biodiversity, reception and integration of refugees and migrants be given centrality, here, in Portugal, the MPs of the PS, PSD and CDS rejected it.
When we proposed increasing funding to invest in transport infrastructure and promoting public transport, the MPs from PS, PSD and CDS rejected it.
When we proposed there that the funds be directed here to promote the improvement of the economic and social situation, instead of choosing militarism and war, the PS, PSD and CDS MPs rejected it.
When our MPs there proposed that Portugal recover the mandates lost in the European Parliament during the successive enlargements of the European Union, rejecting that Portugal would continue to be harmed and have increasingly less voice, the MPs of PS, PSD and BE rejected this from taking place.
When our MPs there, in the European Parliament, rejected the migration and asylum package and denounced giving in to the vision and conceptions of the extreme right, it was approved, with the votes of the PS, PSD and CDS MPs.
There, in Brussels and Strasbourg, as here, in Portugal, it is clear which side each political force is on, what choices they make and who they are at the service of.
CDU MPs are on the side and at the service of the people, the workers, the Country.
PS, PSD and CDS MPs are on the side and at the service of economic groups and multinationals.
The interests of the former are incompatible with the interests of the latter.
When the people and workers rightly aspire to a better life, they need more sovereignty, greater productive capacity, strong public services that ensure the rights enshrined in our Constitution, when the people and workers need the resources, capabilities and strategic sectors placed at the service of development and progress, economic groups need an increase in exploitation, injustices, inequalities, fundamental factors for the concentration of wealth, options and objectives promoted by the European Union's options.
They can make the most beautiful speeches and beat their chests as often as they want.
The truth is that PS, PSD and CDS are committed to this European capitalist integration at the service of the great powers and monopolies, with the federalist, militarist and neoliberal nature of the EU and with Chega and IL wanting to join in.
They all voted against our Draft Resolution that we tabled here in the Assembly of the Republic, of rejection of the Stability Programme, and they did so curiously on the same day that in Strasbourg, with their votes, their new budgetary rules were adopted, yet another piece of attack on sovereignty.
Another piece of the EU's greater capacity to determine options that only concern the Country.
What is needed is more strength to the courage to face the situation we face and not more support for the expressed will, as PS, PSD, CDS, Chega and IL do, of support and even enthusiasm for the orders of the European Union.
At a time when the new Government seeks to evade promises made to various sectors of workers, postponing for next year, for the end of the legislature, for the end of the decade, what can and should be done today; at a time when this same Government is preparing to heighten right-wing policies, as we said it would do; at a time when the path of war, militarism, and arms escalation continues dangerously while they harass and seek to isolate those who defend peace, the political solution of conflicts and respect for the principles of international law and the Constitution of the Republic Portuguese; at a time when new budgetary rules are being approved within the EU that will further limit our ability to make our own decisions; at a time when dangers are increasing for the National Health Service, Public Schools, and the rights of April and the Constitution of the Portuguese Republic that enshrines them, are being called into question; the people are sending powerful signals that reveal that right-wing policies do not have a free hand to impose their aims and project.
It was the case on the 25th. of April, with a historic demonstration and memorable popular participation affirming that Abril, its project, values and achievements are present in life and constitute determining factors in the future of the Country.
This will be the case tomorrow on May Day, International Workers' Day, this journey of workers and labour, of affirming their fair claims and demands, this journey complementary to the 25th. of April.
The popular celebrations of the 25th. of April and on May Day constitute factors of confidence and encouragement for the everyday struggle that is there and that must intensify, in companies, in the workplace, in the demand for answers to specific problems.
A struggle that will also be expressed on June 9, when it is necessary for all this struggle to lead for a vote on the CDU.
As we confirmed in this assessment of the MPs elected by the CDU, what the Country needs is not more MPs to defend the European Union in Portugal, what we need are MPs who, like those from the CDU, defend the people and the country in the EU.
Who defend the people, the workers and the Country.
For sovereignty, for national production, for peace, for progress, for development, for rights, for April.